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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 07:38:43
(1)将较细的一根弹簧悬挂在铁架台上.用毫米刻度尺量出弹簧的长度10,并填入表中.(2)在弹簧下挂1个钩码,用毫米刻度尺量出此时弹簧的长度1,并填入表中.(3)分别在弹簧下挂2、3、4、5 、6、7、8个相同的钩码,依次量出相应的弹簧长度1,并填入表中.(4)分别计算出在弹簧下挂1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8个钩码时弹簧的伸长量(1-8),并填入表.(5)以力为纵坐标,以弹簧的伸长量为横坐标,根据表中所测数据在坐标纸上描点.(6)按照坐标图中各点的分布与走向,尝试作出一条直线.所画的点不一定在这条曲线上,但使曲线两侧的点数大致相同.(7)以弹簧的伸长为自变量,写出曲线所代表的函数.
1.在刻度尺读数时可能存在一定的偶然误差,但可以通过多次重复 操作减少偶然误差对实验造成的影响;
2.在刻度尺读数时,可能由于手的移动导致弹簧的形变量与手移动 之前所读取的力传感器的示数不对应,造成偶然误差;
3.进行实验时,弹簧可能未垂直于地面,导致弹簧所受重力的一个 分力使力传感器的示数产生偏差,造成系统误差;
Hang the thinner spring to the iron stand.Measure the 10  length of the spring with mm scale and fill it in the form;

Hang a hook code to the spring; Measure the 1 length of the spring with mm scale and fill it in the form;
Hang 2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 equal hook codes respectively and measure 1 length of the spring for each hook code and fill in the form;
Calculate the elongation(1-8)  of the spring with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 hook codes respectively and fill in the form;
Trace points on coordinate paper according to the measured data with the power as the ordinate and the elongation as the abscissa;
Try to make a straight line as per the distribution and trend of all the points in the coordinate graph.Not all of the points are on the line necessarily,but the quantity of the points should be similar to each side of the curve;
Write down the the function the curve represents with the elongation of the spring as the independent variable.

再问: 还有下面四条,拜托啦QAQ 那四条翻译完就采纳!!
再答: There might be certain accidental errors in scale reading, but repeated operation can reduce the effects;Movements of hands during scale reading might result in accidental errors due to non-correspondence between force sensor readings before movements and the deformation quantity of the spring;The spring not vertical to the ground during experiment might result in system errors due to deviation in the reading of one of the componet force sensor under the force to the spring; There might be accidental errors if the spring turns might not be controlled into integers during each operation. 

英语翻译(1)将较细的一根弹簧悬挂在铁架台上.用毫米刻度尺量出弹簧的长度10,并填入表中.(2)在弹簧下挂1个钩码,用毫 高中物理某同学探究弹力与弹簧伸长量的关系.(1)将弹簧悬挂在铁架台上,将刻度尺 将弹簧悬挂在铁架台上,将刻度尺固定在弹簧一侧,弹簧轴线和刻度尺都应在______方向 为什么是竖直方向 在一根弹簧下端悬挂重物,改变并记录重物的质量,观察并记录弹簧长度的变化 (2011•宣城二模)Ⅰ.某同学要探究弹力和弹簧伸长的关系,并测弹簧的劲度系数k.做法是先将待测弹簧的一端固定在铁架台上 0.在一根长l0=50cm的轻弹簧下竖直悬挂一个重G=100N的物体,弹簧的长度变为l=70cm.则原来弹簧中长l'=1 一根弹簧的原长度为10㎝,在下端悬挂重物,每1千克重物使弹簧伸长0.5㎝,设弹簧挂上m千克的重物后的长度为 一根长10厘米的弹簧悬挂质量为x克的重物后,长度为l实验测定,在挂重物不超过1千克时,每挂一克重物,弹簧 某同学和你一起探究弹力和弹簧伸长的关系,并测弹簧的劲度系数k.做法是先将待测弹簧的一端固定在铁架台上,然后将最小刻度是毫 某学生在探究“弹簧的长度与外力的变化关系”时,利用弹簧、刻度尺和数只钩码做实验,并记录了相应的数据,如表: “一根弹簧原长10cm,在弹性限度内,挂上物体后弹簧伸长的长度与所挂物体的质量成正比,( ),则弹簧的总长度y(cm)与 一道高中物理题:一根轻弹簧在10.0N的拉力作用下,长度由原来的5.00cm伸长为6.00cm,(1)当这根弹簧长度