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英语翻译1.It is mutually agree that the commissioned party(herea

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 13:50:20
1.It is mutually agree that the commissioned party(hereafter known as party A) will act as an agent for Beneficiary party finding and connecting Beneficiary party(hereafter known as Party B)to a source of financing outside of China(hereafter known as party C)for Beneficiary Parties Primary Business.It is understood that both parties A&B of this agreement share a mutual responsibility to cooperatively work together to achieve the condition of the lender in meeting the respective requirements of agreement terms which follow:
Finance Capitalization and Commission
2.The amount of financing capitalization to be requested by party B will be no less than 30 Million Uniter States Dollars($30000000)for a minimum term of the(10)years at an agreed overall annual interest rate cost of eight Percent(8%)to party B.The Overall Interest Rate Cost of 8% is comprised two parts,part one - the bank rate an set by lender(party c)and part two-the commission Rate cost.the commission rate cost will be three percent(3%)of the loan for the first year or eight percent minus the bank rate(8%-the bank rate)which ever is the greater.for eachsubsequent year the commission payment will be 8% minus the bank rate(foe example if the bank rate in the second year is 7% the the second commission payment will be 1%)
Obligations of party A(the commissioned party):
3.Party A agrees to seek and make initial financing connection outside of china with lender(party C)and cooperate with Party B to clarifynd to assist and be part of the negotiation and the preparation of the requirements and paper work as requested by party C
4.Party A agrees to connect Party A to Party C through Party C's agent
5.Party A agrees to provide Party A Deposit Account information in Hongkong for the purpose of commission deposits.
Obligations of Party B(the beneficiary):
6.Party B agrees to work with Party A to cooperate with and be part of the negotiation with Party C in meeting and preparing the requirements and paper work to satisfy conditions of the loan as requested by party C
7.Party Bagrees to provide the collateral in the form agreeable to the lending party C.detailed onditions will be provided by the lender Party C
8.Party B agreess to establish/provide banking account outside of china agreeable to Party C for the receipt of borrowed capital and subsequent disbursement of commission funds.
9.Party B agrees to pay the first commission fee to party Aas stated in item 2 above.
10.Party B agrees to pay the first commission fee to party A within 7days of receiving funds from party C and every 12 months thereafter on the anniversary date for the full term of the loan.
11.This agreement is effective and binding upon the signature of the representatives of Parties A&B and will otherwise automatically expire if unsigned after September 30,2008
1.这是双方一致认为,当事人的委托(以下简称被称为当事人一)将作为代理人为受益人寻找和连接受益人(以下简称被称为当事人b )为一的资金来源在中国以外的(以下简称被称为当事人三)为受益人各方的主要业务.据了解,双方A及B本协议的共享一个共同的责任,以合作,共同努力实现条件的贷款人在会议上各自的要求,协议的条款如下:
2.金额融资资本要求由乙方将不低于三千万uniter美元(三千点〇 〇 〇万美元)为最低刑期的( 10 )年在一个商定的整体,每年利息成本的8 % ( 8 % )乙当事人的整体利益率的费用为8 % ,是组成由两部分组成,第一部分-银行利率一所订的贷款人(当事人c )和部分两委员会的利率成本.委员会的利率成本将三% ( 3 % )的贷款,用于第一年或八% ,减去银行利率( 8 % -银行利率) ,这是以往任何时候都greater.for eachsubsequent委员会今年的付款将被8 %减去银行利率(敌人,例如,如果银行利率在第二,今年是7 % ,第二委员会的付款将被一% )
义务的一方(委托方) :
3.当事人同意寻求和作初步的融资方面,中国以外的放款人(当事人三)配合当事人二至clarifynd(不认识,字典差不到) ,以协助和参与谈判和筹备工作的要求和文件的工作要求,缔约方C
义务,乙方(受益人) :
7.当事人bagrees(不认识,字典差不到)提供抵押品的形式,同意贷款当事人c.detailed onditions将提供贷款缔约方C
11.此协议是有效的和有约束力的后签署的缔约方代表的A及B ,并会自动过期,否则如果未签名后,9月30,2008