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英语翻译The Anglo-Saxon view of the purpose of financial account

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 11:57:29
The Anglo-Saxon view of the purpose of financial accounting and reporting is that it is primarily an attempt to provide a true and fair view (TFV) of the financial position and performance of the corporation.This objective produces a strong focus on shareholder interests and providing useful disclosures for investor decision making.However,in bank-based economies such as Germany for example,the focus of financial reporting and related disclosures are more focused on creditor concerns.As a result local GAAP tended to reflect the different needs of the primary suppliers of finance in the respective countries.However,in reflecting the different needs of the users of financial accounts,local-GAAP limited the ability to undertake meaningful cross-country comparisons.Indeed,one of the main and most fundamental differences between the Anglo-Saxon and continental approaches that limited international comparability concerned the very concept,definition and valuation of an asset!
Not surprisingly,the demand for harmonized global financial accounting has greatly increased over recent years due,as Flower and Ebbers (2002) note,to the desire by international investors and governments for increased transparency in financial reporting and for increased comparability of financial statements both within Europe and also globally.However,the concept of fair value accounting is a key feature of the Anglo-Saxon accounting system under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).As a result the push for conversion to IFRS fundamentally changed the accounting principles and practices of many continental financial reporting systems.