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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 11:00:58
Star sightings are the norm.In 2000,Tom Hanks taped sound effects for Cast Away there; last year Sean Penn paid a visit to tweak Into the Wild
查了一下你这段文字的出处,说的是一些亿万富翁们的住宅是如何地豪华与奢侈.其中提到了《星球大战》的大导演卢卡斯在加州拥有Skywalker Ranch 地产,著名的电影后期制作公司Skywalker Sound也坐落在那里等内容.
后面接的就是你这段文字.其中“Star sightings are the norm.”这句我也没多大把握.整段文字试译如下,不知道对不对,还望高手指正:
(在那里)明星出现没有什么稀奇.2000年,汤姆.汉克斯在那里为电影《荒岛余生》(Cast Away)录制音带;去年,西恩.潘也在这里逗留为电影《荒野生存》(Into the Wild)作细小的修改.
《荒岛余生》Cast Away是奥斯卡获奖导演罗伯特-赞米基斯和二次奥斯卡获奖演员汤姆-汉克斯(Tom Hanks)联手推出的冒险剧.
《荒野生存》Into the Wild是2007年9月上映的热门影片,由好莱坞“浪子”西恩·潘(Sean Penn )执导.该片改编自乔恩·科莱考尔的同名小说,故事改编自克里斯托弗·约翰逊的真实经历.小说对年轻人离家出走反文明的现象进行了深入剖析.总体来说,该片是现实悲剧版的《成长的烦恼》.
Of course, a handful of billionaires both live and work on their estates. Star Wars director George Lucas presides over Skywalker Ranch in Marin County, Calif. Skywalker Sound, a popular post-production outfit, is based on the 5,156-acre spread, which boasts its own fire brigade and draws the regular gaggle of tourists. (The ranch is not open to the public.)
Star sightings are the norm. In 2000, Tom Hanks taped sound effects for Cast Away there; last year Sean Penn paid a visit to tweak Into the Wild. Lucas lives in the estate's main house, where he displays Hollywood memorabilia like Charlie Chaplin's cane, a prop whip used by Rudolph Valentino and, of course, Indiana Jones' Holy Grail.