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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 15:44:24
接下来我会介绍一些我们参观游览的地方.首先是新加坡的旅游胜地-----圣淘沙(sentosa).圣淘沙是一个平静安宁的度假小岛,位于新加坡本岛南部.我们还在那里参观了海底世界,看到了粉红色的海豚和驯兽师与海狮一起完成的精彩的表演.然后我们还参观了狮身鱼尾公园.(the park of the Merlion).狮身鱼尾是新加坡的标志性象征,有着狮子的身体和鱼的尾巴.这座高约8米的雕像作为守护新加坡的神灵被人们所敬仰.最后是叫做牛车水的新加坡的chinatown.除了各式各样的商店贩卖各种小吃和手工艺品.这里也有新加坡最著名的寺庙,已然成为了一个新兴商业区域.
At first, we took the airplane from Shanghai to Singapore. Because of the warmly humanized service of Singapore Airlines, we did not feel so tired, although we spent 5 hours travelling actually. No sooner had we arrived at the Singapore Airport, than we took the school bus to the hotel. I found that almost all the people there used the car and I could not see any bike on the street. However, the traffic order is unimaginablly great, for everyone was aware of the traffic rules and observed them. The following days, we always took the local bus while going sightseeing. And the bus was really cheap, convenient and environmentally-friendly.

Then, I am going to talk about some sites that we visited. First, of course was the one of the famous sites in Singapore--Sentosa. Sentosa is a peaceful little island for vacation, which is located at the south of main island of Singapore. We even visited the submarine world, where we saw a fascinating show performed by the pink dolphin, seals and the trainer. After that, we visited the Park of the Merlion. Merlion is the symbol of the country, which has both the body of a lion and the tail of a fish. The 8-meters-high sculpture is respected as the god that protects Singapore. Finally, we went to the socalled China Town. Depart from all kinds of snakes and crafts, there is the most famous temple in Singapore, where is now a new business district instead.

Last, I'd like to give a brief introduction of the activities I participated while in Singapore. I
took a one-week study course in Singapore as an exchange student. Even though it was tough for me to understand all the lectures given in pure English, I could tell that the classes were interesting because the teachers there valued the significance of practice. Furthermore, we learned to cook some Singapore and Malaysia dishes from the local residents. Singapore is a country that contains many different cultures, in which we can taste all kinds of delicious food ranging from Malaysia to Thailand.

英语翻译户外活动的时间到了,孩子们非常兴奋.孩子们的快乐是不需要理由的,户外活动天天有,天天都是一样的兴致高涨!因为孩子 英语翻译是口试用的,3分钟左右要求不高,用词不需要太复杂,只要意思到了就可以了,尽量要口语化,要说起来顺,以下文章:理想 英语翻译非常感谢你热心的回答,因为我的英语水平很有限,所以使用了翻译工具,对你造成不便感到非常抱歉 英语翻译非常需要博弈论.心理学导论.哲学死亡.最好是中英对照的. 计量经济学课程的作业,不需要建立太复杂的模型,用上回归和一些简单的模型就好了.所以想找一个好写一些的论文题目来做,数据好 英语翻译因为是需要报关的所以需要准确 求大一英语课演讲稿,主题积极向上,3到5分钟,本人英语水平不高,请附翻译,尽量不要太难,最好是欧美影视作品的台词, 英语翻译非常感谢您的蛋糕,这是我吃过的最好美味的蛋糕,因为感觉到了您对我们浓浓的关怀,祝您有个美好的平安夜! 英语翻译非常抱歉,我很少照相,因为我并不太喜欢照相,所以我下次在把我的照片给你..把这句翻译成英文 急.. 英语翻译春节是我最喜欢的一个节日,因为我们全家人会聚到一起.很快春节又要到了,我非常的期待.春节前几天,姐姐就会回家了, 什么词的意思是:非常熟练,非常流利 英语翻译我的中文名字是**,我的英文名字是**,我今年20,爱好打篮球羽毛球,因为我非常喜欢这个行业,所以我想在贵公司长