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英语翻译[摘 要]党的十七大明确指出:“要落实党建工作责任制,全面推进农村、企业、城市社区和机关、学校、新社会组织等的基

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 05:47:27
[摘 要]党的十七大明确指出:“要落实党建工作责任制,全面推进农村、企业、城市社区和机关、学校、新社会组织等的基层党组织建设,优化组织设置,扩大组织覆盖,创新活动方式,充分发挥基层党组织推动发展、服务群众、凝聚人心、促进和谐的作用.”高校作为培养未来建设者的摇篮,基层党组织的地位显得尤为重要.一个组织能不能将其作用发挥最大化,很大程度上取决于其组织结构的完善程度.因此,在探索中不断地优化高校基层党组织结构,对于提升高校党建工作的成效性有着重要的意义.
[关键词]党建 优化 高校基层党组织 组织结构
[Abstract] Seventeenth Party Congress clearly pointed out: "To implement the responsibility system for party building work, comprehensively promote the rural areas, enterprises, urban communities and institutions, schools, new social organizations of the grassroots party organizations, optimize their setups, expanding their coverage and innovations in the way, give full play to promote the development of grass-roots party organizations, serving the people, rallying public support for the role of harmony. "cultivate the future builders of the university as the cradle of the status of grass-roots party organizations is very important. An organization can play their role to maximize its organizational structure depends largely on the degree of perfection. Therefore, in the exploration continue to optimize the structure of College Party, for enhancing the effectiveness of the Party building in universities has an important significance.
[Key words] party building optimized structure of College Party