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英语翻译college- a new experience1.college is a new and differen

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 00:38:08
college- a new experience
1.college is a new and different experence for me.I'm away from home,so I have many things to adjust to.being on my own,talking with friendly people,and having Fridays off-there are just some things I like about college.
2.living at college,first of all,gives me a sense of responsibility,of being on my own.My parents aren't around to say,"NO,you are not going out tonight"or"Did you finish your homework?"Everything i do has to be my decision,and that gives me the responsibility of handing my own life.During the second week I was at college,I had to go out and look for a bank where I could open an account.Before that I looked in a phone book since I had no clue abont any banks around here or where they were located.Someone told me about a good bank:Continental Federal Savings.I went to the bank and made decisions for myself-whether to have a checking or savings account and whether or not to get a MASTER card.That was one example of having responsibility now that I am on my own and making my own decisions.
3.Friendly people:that's another aspect I like about college.One my first day(and even now)people were nice to me.I came to Marymonut University here in Virginia from New York and-even though I'd been here before-I was a bit confused about where I was going.My mother and I drove in,not knowing the buliding we were supposed to go to,and guard was special nice to us:with a smile,he told us what building we were looking for and where we can park our car.My room was on the first floor of NEW Gerard,and I knew I had to through some glass doors-but my mother and I didn't kwon which ones.Some upperclassmen saw me and asked,"Are you a new student?"When they found out I was looking for New Gerard,one said,"Just follow us:that is where we are going."Even now I feel confortable in the dormitory because there are friendly people around to talk with.
4.Finally-to add to my likes of college-I love having Fridays off;I would not be able to cope with five days of classes in a row.Also,I love to sleep in.One Thursday night,my roomate and I and the people across the hall went to Georgetown.We got in rather early the next morning,and my roomate and I decided to sleep in,something I could not do in high school.
5.I do like things about college-being on my own ,talking with friendly people,having Fridays off,but this doesn't mean I don't think anout at home.Although I like college,I can still get the homesick:New York is a pretty good place,too.
大学生活 -- 暂新的经历
1. 对我来说大学生活是一种全新的与众不同的经历.远离家乡,因此我有很多东西要去适应,一切要靠自己.同友好的人们交谈,每周五休息,关于大学这正是我喜欢的一些事情.
2. 在校园生活,首先,给了我一种要靠自己的责任感.没有父母或者在身边对我说:“不行,你今天晚上不能出去.”或者“你家庭作业做完了吗?”我所做的一切都要我自己去决定,便给了我那种掌控我人生的责任感.我在大学的第二个星期时,我不得不出去找一个我可以开户的银行.在出去之前,我在一本电话簿查找,因为附近的银行在哪儿我没有一点头绪.有人告诉我了一个比较好的银行:大陆联邦储蓄银行(Continental Federal Savings). 我到了那家银行而且自己做了决定是否开一个经常账户(a checking)还是储蓄存款账户(savings account)以及是否办一张主卡(MASTER card).那就是要有责任心的一个例子,既然我要靠自己并自己做决定.
3.友好的人们:那是关于大学我喜欢的另外一个方面.在大学第一天(甚至现在),人们对我都很友好.我从纽约来到维吉尼亚州这里的 Marymonut University ,虽然以前来过这里,我还是有些不清楚我的方向.我母亲和我开车进去了,不知道我们要去的那幢楼在哪儿,不知道我们的车能停在哪里.我的宿舍在NEW Gerard的第一层楼,我知道我要走过一些玻璃门,但我母亲和我不知道是哪些门.一些高年级的学长看见我并问道,"你是新生吗?"当他们知道了解到我是要找New Gerard,其中一个人说,“跟着我们就行了,我们就是要到那里去.” 即使现在在集体宿舍楼我都感觉很舒服,因为这里有能和你聊天的友好的人们在身边.