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英语翻译Jay was an English teacher at a college .He move to New

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 22:39:11
Jay was an English teacher at a college .He move to New York City with all the members of his family .Jay was an excellent teacher ,so we all missed him very much after he left .It was not long before Jay came back to North Carolina for a short visit .The teacher and students held a small party for him .
At the party ,people walked around and talked with each other .I certainly would not give up that good chence to learn English .So I tired to think of all kinds of topics to talk with Gina ,another English teacher .
Just before I was about to run out to my topics ,suddenly I heard Jay say to others loudly ," I dig New York " I asked Gina " Is it difficult to find a job in New York Why does Jay have to do heavy work since he is such a good teacher "
Gina didn't understand what I said ," why do you think that " she asked .
"Haven't you heard him say that he is digging New York Is he building an underground passage " I asked .
When she finlly realized what I meant ,Gina laughed to tears .She then asked us whether we knew the meaning of " Idig New York " .All of us shook our heads and said no .So Gina asked Jay to explain it to us .
It turns out that " I dig New York " means " I love New York " in American .Though few people say that now ,we still hear it from time to time .
当她最后意识到我的意思,吉娜笑到流泪了.然后她问我们是否知道I dig New York的意思.我们所有的人都摇了摇头,说不知道.所以吉娜让杰解释给我们.事实证明,“我挖纽约”意味着“我爱纽约”.在美国,尽管现在没多少人说,我们仍然不时听到它.