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英语保密文件Notice:The receiving party shall provide thirty (30) d

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 12:52:50
Notice:The receiving party shall provide thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to disclosing party of its intent to disclose any Confidential Information,stating the grounds under Paragraph 4 upon which the exception is claimed and providing documentation in support thereof.The receiving party shall limit the scope of disclosure to only the portion of the Confidential Information not protected pursuant to Paragraph 4.
6.No Rights Granted:Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a grant by implication,estoppels,or otherwise,of a license by either party to the other to make,have made,use or sell any product using Confidential Information or as a license under any patent,patent application,utility model,copyright,mask work right,or any other industrial or intellectual property right covering same.
7.Communications:Written communications requesting or transferring Confidential Information under this Agreement shall be addressed only to the respective designees as follows (or to such designees as the parties hereto may from time to time designate in writing):
通知:接收方须提供30 ( 30 )天前以书面形式通知披露党,其原意透露任何机密资料,说明理由下,第4段后,其中的例外是声称,并提供文件的支持.接收方须限制其适用的范围披露,只有部分的机密资料没有保障,按照第4款.
6 .没有授予的权利:这里没有载,应被视为金的含义,estoppels ,或以其他方式,许可证由任何一方当事人向对方作出,取得,使用或出售任何产品使用的机密资料,或作为许可下,任何专利,专利申请,实用新型,版权,口罩的工作权利,或任何其他工业或智慧财产的权利,包括相同的.
7 .通讯:通讯的书面请求或转移的机密资料,根据本协定加以解决,只有向各自指派如下(或这种指派有关各方在此可能会不时指定的书面) :