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英语翻译Force Majeure:the sellers shall not be responsible for t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 08:36:56
Force Majeure:the sellers shall not be responsible for the delay in shipment due to force majeure,including mobilization,war,strikes,riots,civil commotion,hostilities,blockade,requisition of vessels,prohibition of export,fires,floods,earthquakes,tempest and any other contingencies,which prevent shipment within the stipulated period.In the event of any of the aforesaid causes arising,documents proving its occurrence or existence shall be sent by the Sellers to the buyers without delay
不可抗力: 卖家不须负责中包括动员、 战争、 罢工、 暴动、 骚乱、 敌对行动、 封锁、 征用的船只,禁止出口,火灾、 洪水、 地震、 风暴和或有任何其它事项,使货物在规定的期限内的不可抗力由于运往延迟.在出现任何上述的起因情形下,证明它的发生或存在的文件将由卖主赶快寄发到买家