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is our world becoming "brave new world"

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 17:52:29
is our world becoming "brave new world"
BRAVE NEW WORLD是一本科幻小说,看过的人帮帮忙啊~~!
essay问题是-Is our world, in 2007, on the path to becoming the Brave new world?
阿道司·赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley)的《美丽新世界》
阿道司·赫青黎(Aldous Huxley,1894—1962),一位多产的英国作家,共写作了50多部小说、诗歌、哲学著作和游记,其中最著名的作品是长篇小说《美丽新世界》.作为生物学家的儿子,他从小受到良好的教育,先后毕业于伊顿公学和牛津大学.他对人类生活中的矛盾具有超人的预见力.尽管一次眼疾几乎让他视力全失,但在学习了盲文后,他逐步开始写作,先后创作了许多胎炙人口的小说,并在20年代成为一个明星人物,其中,1932年创作的《美丽新世界》让他名留青史.
Looking around America, you'll notice that most faces on billboards, magazines, TV and advertisements are that of young, pretty people. In a culture that equates youth with beauty, a majority of Americans is constantly at war with aging. Before the advent of new technologies, people used to jump through hoops to shave a couple years off of their looks. But now, laser surgery is a relatively painless alternative to facelifts and skin tucks. And let us not forget all the fancy anti-aging cosmetic products and skin treatments in department stores and beauty salons. Furthermore, we have also developed holistic approaches to fighting aging: yoga, herbs, acupuncture, etc.
It seems like people will do almost anything to stay young. But the crazy thing is that you can't stay young forever. That's impossible. What you can do is feel youthful. And that requires much more than cosmetic changes. In order to feel young, you must exercise your mind, keep up with the world and maintain an active lifestyle. In other words, instead of spending $ 5000 on wrinkle removing laser surgery, why not go on an adventurous journey to an unfamiliar part of the world? Instead of spending $ 50 on a bottle of anti-aging lotion, why not buy a mountain bike?
We should always remember the fountain of youth lies in our heart, mind and spirit.
One of the characteristics of youth is good health. And Americans are definitely on the right track.Since the early 90's, America has been on a big health kick. People are staying away from foods that are high in fat, sodium and cholesterol. More of us are quitting smoking, cutting down drinking and exercising more.We sip herbal teas, gulp fresh juices,stir fry organic vegetables,hire personal trainers, and consult nutritionists.Do you know that some Americans take $ 15 worth of vitamins a day? Unbelievable, huh?
In addition to staying in good physical form, we try to enhance our mental and spiritual health.Most Americans lead a stressful lifestyle: too many places to go, people to see, bills to pay, etc. As a result, we are tense, stiff and wound up. In recent years, various stress reduction therapies such as yoga, meditation, massages, and aromatherapy have become a living necessity,like medicine for the overtaxed mind and the soul.After all, a sound mind in a sound body is the best state to be in.
Needless to say, there are many advantages to being young and healthy, one of which is doing and achieving more with your life. That's right. If you're young, you have your whole life ahead of you. If you're healthy, you'll live longer. Youth and health are the building blocks of success.
Our lives are plotted out with milestones. And we are expected to accomplish certain things by certain ages. So the sooner you can achieve these milestones, the more successful you are.
In a society where your happiness and self- worth are determined by your career accomplishments, people are under the pressure to devote themselves entirely to their work. Often times, people disregard their passions and interests and choose careers based on job security, pay and professional prestige. As a result, they are unhappy and their personal lives and love ones suffer. Personally, I think success means you're making a comfortable living doing what you love and enjoy.
Anyway, regardless of the resolution, we are all making a commitment toward betterment. And with it, there is the hope for a happier life and an improved sense of self. How odd that it is our constant dissatisfaction with the status quo that propels society forward?After all, nothing kills progress like complacency.But now the nagging question is, why must we wait for New Years to make resolutions. Today is as good as any. Right? A brave new world awaits us and its dawn depends on our resolve to move steadily forward and towards something better, something different, and something wonderful. I took a deep breath and settled on my life's resolutions grand as it may sound, I'm determined to make the most of every second of my life. Because a bright future begins with the present and the present is here and now.