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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/20 06:05:11
1.反恐斗争以“预防为主”为基本思想,全面加强事前安全 防范工作,大力加强反恐怖情报工作,努力将更多的恐怖主义活动尽量控制在阴谋策划阶段,这是有效展开反恐怖主义的根本要求.
Countries that have got out of the countrol of the United States and the Soviet Union began their independence way since the end of the cold war.However,new problems such as the depressive racial issue and wealth inequality, the Middle East and north Africa’s constant unrest came out again.World peace was seriously impact and a series of terrorist attack have already cause the casualties of a great quantity of innocent women and children.Withal,the government of Ukraine thought it a rather important matter to fight aginst terrorist attack in order to maintain the stability of regions and that every county in the world should pay attantion to protect people’s sovereignty and keep the world’s peace.But for the remaining historical problems,our country thinks we should hold a respect attitude towards different ideology and regime,but not blindly execute the unilateral policies.we should stand together and be object to extremism.only in this way can we make our due contribution to the world peace.
For armed personnel,in PKF of all countries,should put forth effort to attact all the reactionary personnel that endangered people in Middle East and north Africa,and try to reduce bomb attacks and kidnapping case.
The united nations have done indelible contribution tokeep the world’s peace.they tried to resolve international conflicts,prevent the deterioration of tense situations,and they actively promote world economic prosperity,played an positive role in propel developing countries’ economic development. The united nations insist on the coloniol culture movement,and support the independence of oppressed nations.
For this,the Ukraine government calls on a combination of all countries to fight against the extreme religious socialism and all kinds of terrorism once again.And the Ukraine government will join in countries assert peaceful development.To strive for freedom and safty of people in Middle East and north Africa,protect innocent women and children, the Ukraine government appeal to all countries in the world try to do the followed:
1.Anti-terrorist struggle hold "prevention first" as the basic ideas,enhance the security and prevention work in advance comprehensively,strenthen counterterrorism intelligence,try to control more terrorist activities in planning stage.That are Fundamental requirements for expanding Anti-terrorist activities.
2.Strengthen detective work,detect terror case in time,and it’s an important link to catch the terrorist.
3.Strengthen Anti-terrorism legislation, castigate the terrorist and all people together with organizations that offer help and convenience to terroristic organization and terrorist.
4.Strengthen international cooperation,take advantage of international resouces, Intelligence Information and technology to crack down terrorosm.
5.All countries should strengthen the govern of guns,exploder and all kinds of weapons.
6.Pay attention to cut of source of finance of terroristic organizations,attack the behavior of terroristic organizations to raising money in all illegal or covered ways.
7.International community should strengthen manage social relationship at the same time,guide the public opinions correctly, So as to avoid the bad influence of the international community.
Ukraine thought developed countries should Sent peacekeepers as a major in unsteady regions to keep the peace,and strengthen the coorperation with local government to attack area terrorism activity,reduce area attack,so as to ensure people’s life safty.
Ukraine hope the world peace can exist for longer time, Regional security factors and conflicts can reduce under the coorperation and attack of all countries in future.