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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 15:12:26
Country music (sometimes called Country & Western) is a form of music that has been enjoyed by people all over the United States for decades.Famous singers from this genre include Johnny Cash,Patsy Cline,the Judds,Dolly Parton,Glen Campbell,George Jones and Tammy Wynette,Kenny Rogers,Loretta Lynn,Randy Travis,Tanya Tucker,Willie Nelson,Reba McEntire,Garth Brooks and Toby Keith.
Country music's strongest appeal is with American rural and small-town populations,but many American cities have a large audience.The music also has listeners in Canada,in Liverpool,England,and other places worldwide.The popularity of Country comes and goes with each decade.Sometimes a new movie (like Midnight Cowboy or Urban Cowboy),hit record (like "She Believes In Me" by Kenny Rogers),or new performer (like Randy Travis in the 1980s) raises new interest.
Country music has its roots and beginnings in folk music.The old cowboy and pioneer songs of the American frontier were popular in the early twentieth century,and so were arrangements of pop music songs by rural (or rural-sounding) performers.Country musicians also adapted new musical instruments,like the Hawaiian steel guitar.
Modern-day Country music started in the years after World War II.The Sons of the Pioneers and The Carter Family performed old and new songs,in a way that reminded people of singalongs and jamborees of the past.Hank Williams is often called the first songwriter of Country music.His songs were easy to learn and remember,and their lyrics said things felt by many people.His music is still performed today.Some of the early rock and roll musicians,like Buddy Holly,Jerry Lee Lewis,and Elvis Presley,began as Country performers.
Nashville,Tennessee became the center of Country music,much like New Orleans became the center of Jazz.The Grand Ole Opry broadcast performances by The Carter Family and others,and became an important breaking ground in Country music.A television series,Hee-Haw,was a long-running showcase for Country performers,and was hosted by musicians Buck Owens and Roy Clark.When cable television became popular in the United States,The Nashville Network (TNN) and Country Music Television (CMT) brought Country music videos and related programming to nationwide audiences.(In later years,as interests changed,TNN changed its programming.It also changed names,first to "The National Network",then to Spike TV,which is its name today.)
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再答: 乡村音乐是土生土长的美国音乐,体现了浓郁的美国南方民间音乐的风格。乡村音乐的特点是:风格纯朴、结构简单、不事词藻、说唱结合、时弹时唱、一般前奏很轻快。大部分歌曲的内容都表达了他们对爱情的忠瓴挥澹?韵缤恋木炝抵?椋?蛘叻从沉松?畹募栊粒?独У募灏疽约凹彝サ奈萝暗取?美国乡村音乐是名副其实的美国“特产”,也是美国人民献给世界人民的一份美好礼物。乡村音乐是土生土长的美国音乐,体现了浓郁的美国南方民间音乐的风格。传统的乡村音乐从19世纪的弦乐曲和传统叙事歌中发展而来,他的一个显著特点就是,不受性别和年龄限制,也不受时间地点的限制,一把吉他,外加班卓琴和口琴乐器的伴奏,歌手便可以尽情抒发他们心中的快乐和忧愁。在相当长的一段时间里,乡村音乐的歌手和歌迷几乎都是农民、牛仔、矿工和伐木工等生活在南部乡村的美国白人,歌手唱歌时也总是带着浓重的南方鼻音。大部分歌曲的内容都表达了他们对爱情的忠贞不渝,对乡土的眷恋之情,或者反映了生活的艰辛,贫困的煎熬以及家庭的温馨等。 20世纪50年代初,随着电声乐器的发展,乡村音乐中逐渐加入了电子乐器、鼓、提琴、和号,声乐合唱也取代了先前音乐中“高亢、孤独”的歌声。这时期的乡村音乐已经慢慢失去原先醇厚的“乡土气息”,而呈现出更多的现代都市风味。借此契机,乡村音乐也在全美各地拓展了它的市场。田纳西州的收服纳什维尔是当时美国乡村音乐最大也是最为人所熟知的商业中心,绝大部分的乡村音乐歌手都来到这里寻求发展的机会,绝大部分的乡村歌曲也都是在纳什维尔的录音棚里录制的,以至于人们将这一时期的乡村音乐称为“纳什维尔音乐”。 70年代中期,以威利.纳尔逊和维龙.詹宁斯为首,在美国乡村音乐界发起了一场称为“叛逆”的运动,旨在用一种更简单朴实的方法取代已经程式化的“纳什维尔音乐”。之后不久,在70年代末到80年代初,“新传统派歌手”异军突起,成为美国乡村音乐中最走红的一派。这些新一代乡村歌手的音乐不再是纳什维尔、纽约或洛衫机生产线上推出的毫无生命力的音乐制品,他们力图摒弃村音乐歌坛上那些令人眼花缭乱的手法和技巧,而以其不加雕饰的音乐风格恢复乡村音乐的真实面貌。“新传统派歌手”以其声音悦耳动听、旋律优美柔和而获得巨大成功。至今,它仍在美国流行乐坛上独领乡村音乐的风骚。