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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 10:06:09
7B Unit 3短语、句子、语法学习笔记
1.They read a story about robbers in a city in the USA.
1.全世界all over the world
2.在十字路口at a crossroads
3.立刻;马上at once = right away
4.在…..的另一边at the other side of…..
5.在某地的北面be north of sw.
6.打电话向某人求救call sb. for help
7.向山上爬climb up the hill
8.(步行)穿过cross = go/walk across
9.开车离开/ 跑走drive/run away
10.开车去……/ 跑去…..drive/run to ……
11.接/收 到一个电话get a call = receive a call
12.进入小汽车 / 从小汽车里出get into/ out of the car
13.乘公共汽车去…….go (to)……by bus = take a bus (to)….
14.去露营go camping
15.出郊游go on an outing
16.穿过隧道go through the tunnel
17.学生中的一半half of the students
18.举行野餐/烧烤have a picnic / barbecue
in the end =at last=finally
20.跳进小汽车 / 从小汽车里跳jump into/ out of the car
21.住在附近live nearby
22.成百万的millions of……
23.在网站上on the websites
24.将某人推进一个货车的后部push sb. into the back of a van
25.看地图read a map
26.跑进楼房 / 从楼房里跑出来run into/ out of the building
27.升篝火start a campfire
28.在红绿灯处停下来stop at the traffic lights
29.游泳穿过池子swim across the pool
30.走别一条线路take another route
31.走不同的线路take different routes
32.三个穿着警服的男人three men in police uniform
33.向左拐进………路turn left into …. Road
34.走过;步行经过walk past
35.朝……走walk towards…
36.沿着/顺着……..走walk/go along/ up/down……
37.一直向前走walk/go straight on
1.ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth. 叫某人(不)做某事
ask/tell sb. about sth. 询问/告诉某人有关某事
2.be afraid (+that宾从)
be afraid of sb./sth. 害怕某人/某物
be afraid to do sth./ be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事
3.be happy/glad/pleased to do sth. 开心做某事情
4.be sure (+that从句)
be sure of sth. 对某事有把握
be sure to do sth. 务必做到某事
5.be surprised at sth. 因为某事而吃惊
be surprised to do sth 做某事很吃惊
6.invite sb to do sth 邀请某人去某地
invite sb. to sw. 邀请某人去某地
7.stop doing sth 停止目前手中做的事情
stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事情
8.try (not) to do sth 努力/尝试(不)做某事
9.use sth1 to do sth2.= do sth2 with sth1 使用某物去做某事
【短语】tell a story 讲故事a story about … 一个关于……的故事
【词形】robber n. 强盗rob v. 抢thief n. 小偷steal v. 偷
【搭配】rob sb. of sth. 抢了某人某物 steal sth. from sb. 偷了某人某物
【例句】The robbers robbed me of my wallet. 那些强盗抢了我的钱包.
【例句】The thieves stole the money from Susan. 那些小偷偷了Susan的钱.
2.One day they got a call. 一天他们接到了一个电话.
【短语】one day 一天(常用过去式,不可说a day,可以用the other day
【短语】get a call 接到一个电话answer the phone 接电话
【搭配】help sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人get help from sb. 从某人那儿获得帮助
【搭配】help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人干某事 ask (sb.) for help (向某人)求助
【搭配】with the help of sb. / with one’s help 在某人的帮助下
【搭配】help oneself to sth. 随便吃点什么
4、be afraid to do sth 和 be afraid of doing sth 考点区别
【解析】be afraid to do 指的是按照经验或常识不敢去做某事,或没有勇气去做某事.
如:I’m afraid to jump into the river. 我不敢跳进河中.
【解析】be afraid of doing 主要用来谈论一件自己(指句子主语)不希望也不能决定而可能突然发生在自己头上的事,这种事往往带有一种疑惧性,即可能发生也可能不发生,只是自己有这样一种得心(即担心发生).此时不能用 be afraid to do 搭配.
【例句】She was afraid of waking her husband. 她怕吵醒她丈夫.
【例句】I’m afraid to speak English before so many people because I’m afraid of making mistakes.
【例句】They are afraid to swim because they are afraid of drowning.
1.I want to know what doing next.(错误)
I wan to know what to do next.(正确)
【点拨】这是一个宾语从句中的搭配: 疑问代词/副词+不定式.又如:
【例句】Can you tell me when to leave tomorrow? 你能告诉我什么时候离开吗?
2. I opened the door use my knife. (错误)
I opened the door with my knife. (正确)
【点拨】这里的用小刀为状语,所以要用介词搭配 with my knife
use my knife 是一个动词的词组,可以与with介词搭配进行同意句的改写.
【例句】I used the knife to open the door.===I opened the door with my knife.
3. He swims cross the river easily. (错误)
He swims across the river easily. (正确)
【点拨】cross 是动词在句中做谓语,而across是介词在句中与动词连用作动词词组.
【例句】He crossed the road carefully.=He went across the road carefully.他小心翼翼地过了马路.
4. We were playing football. Would you like to take part in us? (错误)
We were playing football. Would you like to join us in it? (正确)
【点拨】take part in 是指参加一次活动(会议等).
【例句】Did he take part in the discussion yesterday?他昨天参加讨论了吗?
join是指加入某个团体/组织,成为永久成员.join the party 入党.
也可以是join sb in sth加入某人做某事的行列.Join sb (in) doing sth
【例句】Can you join us (in) playing football?
5 .There is going to have a meeting tomorrow. (错误)
There is going to be a meeting tomorrow. (正确)
【点拨】there be 搭配表示存在,当这个搭配与将来是连用的时候用there is going to be/there will be ,而不可以误认为是开会(have a meeting)这个词组.
6.Look at those clouds.It will rain. (错误)
Look at those clouds.It is going to rain. (正确)
【点拨】be going to 搭配: 表预测.指根据迹象推测,而且马上或很快就要发生.
【例句】I’m going to play basketball with my classmates this Sunday..
. live in a palace / live next to a restaurant / live in a wooden house

2. Which is your favourite restaurant ? The biggest one.

3. Countries and capitals: The capital of the USA is Washington DC.

The UK----- London; France------ Paris; Japan------ Tokyo;

Russia------ Moscow; Thailand---- Bangkok; China ---- Beijing;

Australia---- Canberra; Italy ----- Rome; Germany----- Berlin

4. Mount Fuji / the Statue of Liberty / the Eiffel Tower / Big Ben

5. homes in different countries / homes around the world

6. sit on the big floor cushions / look out at the beach and the sea

7. live with my family in a wooden house / live in a flat on a busy street

= live in a wooden house with my family

8. climb a ladder to get into my house / play on the balcony

9. It rains a lot. = There is a lot of rain there.

10. My family and I often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner.

11. I share a bedroom with my sister.

12. cook meals in the kitchen / eat meals in a dining-room /
lie on the bunk bed

13. 方位介词:in front of / behind; on the right side / on the left side; in the middle of; above / below; over / under; near / next to / beside; oppside; between / among; in / at /on; inside / outside ; at the top of
14. 数词:1)基数词与序数词; 2)数词读法(大数;电话号码;小数)

15. arrive in / at arrive in Beijing / arrive at our school

16. can’t wait to do sth.

17. have a free day

18. What else are we going? Who else / Where else / something else

19. the Great Wall / the Summer Palace / the Space Museum / the Palace Museum / a green house

20. That sounds great. / This piece of music sounds very beautiful.

21. Daniel got 118 points in the exam and came 1st in his class.

22. be (really) different from

23. phone sb.= call sb. (on the phone) = ring sb. (up) = give sb. a call / a ring

24. May I speak to…? = Can / Could I speak to…?

25. Who’s calling, please? = Who’s that, please ?

26. take a message for sb.

27. Please ask him to call me. (ask sb. to do sth. )

28. What kind of home do you live in?

29. at least
30. There are no other rooms on the second floor.

31. There is also amming-pool which is 50 metres long.

32. This means (that) a lot of people can have a shower or a bath at the same time.

33. Mary lives six floors below Wendy. She lives on the fifth floor.
34. Simon wants to tell Neil where his neighbours live.

35. Keep quiet. Please!

36. The people here are very friendly to us.

37. grow some flowers / grow up

38. lie on the ground / lie in bed

39. above the air conditioner / in front of the bookshelf / opposite the window

40.keep the room clean and tidy