作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 21:17:09
Hello everyone,I want to tell you something about myself,my name is Susan,I come from China,I like English very much,but uh not do well in it,so,I often ask the teacher for help.As we know the English is more and more useful.So we should learn English well.Sometimes I don't know how to,do it well.I can't stand my poor English,I can't stand my waste of my time.I don't want to let my parents down,I don't want let my teacher down,I don't let my parents downThe teacher tell me that,I should do more reading,and do more writing,and then,I will Make great progress.
再问: 关于号召大家为饥饿儿童伸出援助之手的英语作文
再问: 假设你是高中学生李华,现在你在Food for Chil dren Fund这一组织担任志愿者。请你代表该组 织向你所在学校的师生写一封120词左右的倡议 信,号召大家为饥饿儿童捐款。要点如下:1.因为 贫穷,一些孩子饥寒交迫。2.希望人们伸出援助 之手。注意:可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
再问: 会吗?
再答: Just a moment.
再答: Boys and girls,how nice our lives are,but doyou now now,there are some,children,have,no more food to eat,Because,their families are poor.How hungry they are.I think,we should help them.
再问: 太少了点吧
再答: I am a volunteer of food for children fund.I want to raise money for them.I holp them can live happily,like us.Boys and girls please join us.
再答: Let's Do my best for them.