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英语翻译  15日下午5点多,年近六旬的农场主斯宾塞第一个发现自己的狗狗掉进了农场上的粪池里,斯宾塞叫了两个儿子和女儿一

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5 at 15 pm,nearly 60 years old farmer Spencer first found his dog fell down on the farm in the tank,Spencer called two of his son and daughter to help him to salvage the dog,not to father and son four people would die.Spencer had two sons with him,his own tools from the dunghill dig dog,the results of the first into the septic tank.Spencer fell down after the two son in a hurry,they could not risk jumped down,want to drip cesspit near Spencer,result three people deeper,manure over the chest position,spread to the head.See the danger of father and two brothers,stand in the pit on the edge of the girl stand,she lay in the septic tank boundary stretched out his hand to pull the nearest man,the results being dragged into the pit.
Firefighters and police rushed to the farm is in when more than 6,when Spencer and two sons have been waste no overhead,firefighters can only be based on the cesspool traces salvage them,dozens of firemen busy half an hour to four people rescued.Unfortunately,Spencer and a son has died,another son to the Royal Vitoria hospital died,the daughter of Spencer after the rescue was out of danger,but the state is still not good,she inhaled a lot of manure and biogas,esophagus,respiratory tract,and lung damage.
英语翻译  15日下午5点多,年近六旬的农场主斯宾塞第一个发现自己的狗狗掉进了农场上的粪池里,斯宾塞叫了两个儿子和女儿一 英语翻译最近,我读了一本美国著名作家斯宾塞.约翰逊写的《谁动了我的奶酪》,使我受益匪浅.这本书里讲述了一个非常感人的故事 英语翻译1、除了一个笔记本外,我还给了他一支钢笔和一支铅笔2、那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪.3、昨天下午我的叔叔带 英语翻译德莱塞早年深受斯宾塞和达尔文的影响,从哲学观说他是个机械决定论者,视人为“不可驾驭的自然力的牺牲品”.他曾在《报 英语翻译我知道几个英国文学作品的中文名可是不知道其英文原名是什么狄更斯的《块肉余生记》斯宾塞的《群学肄言》穆勒的《群己权 英文书写字体大概有哪些种?我知道的有圆体、斯宾塞体和哥特体,但是其他的就不怎么知道 上周日在农场上我们摘了橘子并品尝了它们的英语翻译 近代资产阶级功利主义的代表人物有 多选 A.孔斯坦 B.边沁 C.孔德 D.斯宾塞 E.罗尔斯 一位农场主,又老又病.觉得自己时间不多了.这时他打算按如下的次序和方式分配特点财产:第一个儿子分100元和剩下财产的10 要用二元一次方程一位农场主,又老又病,觉得自己时日不多了,这时他打算按如下次序和方式分配他的财产:第一个儿子分100美元 谁第一个发现了苹果里的五角星 娶了皇帝的女儿叫驸马,嫁给皇帝的儿子是叫什么?