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跪求一篇关于写“幸福的秘密”的英语作文 ,200字左右……谢谢啦……急用!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/28 09:05:45
跪求一篇关于写“幸福的秘密”的英语作文 ,200字左右……谢谢啦……急用!
secret of happiness
  Everyone want to be a happy man,but,In fact,most of us are not.Why?It is because that we don't know what we really want.
  Well,we all have desire,and I think it is very worth to realize that.For example,when we want something ,we will want to get it.Then,we can be happy,or we will feel angry or sad.
  So,the first thing is ,if we want ,we must try to obtain it.I think,this is the first method to get happiness.
  In other circumstances,something we want very much,but we can not get it.Such as a man want to carry the earth,ok,this is a jock.But just like this ,what should we do?
  This is another mothod to get happy.If the case is like this ,we can also be happy.We can only do a simple thing ,it is just drop it .yeah~Drop it.Will feel so happy.It is very happy to be a loser.Others' ridicule is just condiment .Even though,we regularly also feel sad ,angry ,not happy,then we can to burst into flames or cry from stem to stern.
  After tears,happiness will be around us once again.
  Look,I am just a happy man like that.