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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 15:18:37
地理环境的差异可使不同的民族所引起的联想和在感情上所引起的反应不尽相同.例如,“西风”一词在东西文化中的意义就迥然不同.来自北大西洋暖流给西方人民带来了对春天的企盼,便有雪莱的名诗Ode to the west wind相颂,但中国民谚“喝西北风”却源于那来自西伯利亚的寒流,预示严冬的降临.翻译时如不加注释说明,就难免会产生误解.
【As for people of the nationalities,the historical cultural background,the geographical environment,the traditional custom and the thinking method are different,hence it is not uncommon that the profound meanings of the language expressions are in contradiction.】
【It deserves to pay more attention when translating,if not taken carefully,one false step will make a great difference.】
【The difference in the geographical environment can make it not the same between the association arose by different nationalities and response arose in emotion.For example,the word “Xi feng ” is widely diverse in the meaning between the cultures of East and West.】
来自北大西洋暖流给西方人民带来了对春天的企盼,便有雪莱的名诗Ode to the west wind相颂,但中国民谚“喝西北风”却源于那来自西伯利亚的寒流,预示严冬的降临.
【A warm current from The North Atlantic brings the expecting of the people in the West for the spring,so it exists the Shelley famous poem entitled “Ode to the west wind” to glorify it.But the Chinese folk proverb “drink the northwest wind” is derived from just the warm current from The North Atlantic and indicates the oncoming winter.】
【If we make no explanatory notes when translating,the misunderstandings will happen inevitably.】
【In the course of the language developing history of different nationalities,the differences of the cultural background,the geographical environment and the traditional custom will inevitably influence the differences of ways of thinking; and the differences of ways of thinking will be always embodied in the expressing ways of language.】
【Language and translation are both the inseparable parts in culture and they will be inevitably influenced and changed by culture.】
【On the face of it,an activity of translating is not merely that of language,the cultural factors will act on the course of translating to different degree.Meanwhile,the fact that the course of translating is affected by the cultural factors set a new task which can not be negligible for the construction of the translation Studies.】
【Language and translation are inseparable.Due to the nationalism of the language,the regionality and the contemporary spirit,the translation is meaningless to be talked about without the consideration of cultures of language when translating.Cultural differences always exist.The differences in the cultures between English and Chinese determine the different features in English and Chinese.】
【This paper first introduces the culture of East and West and the relationship between culture and translation..It points out that the essence of the differences between East and West is the cultural differences.Therefore,the difficulty of translating lies in transcending language barriers and the cultural thinking is the most important thing of the translating thinking.】
【Finally,by the translation of the advertisements as an example,the influences of translating of the cultural differences between East and West are further discussed.】
英语翻译由于各族人民的历史文化背景,传统习惯和思想方法的不同而造成语言表达的深层意义相矛盾的情况也不少见.这在翻译过程中 英语翻译诗歌被誉为一个民族文化的结晶和最高体现,同时诗歌也是时代、历史文化沉淀的结果.由于中西文学传统、民族心理习惯和表 文学革命的历史文化背景 英语翻译1.把握语境,适时增译不同民族的思维方式决定了不同的语言表达形式,在英汉翻译过程中,有时必须根据目的语的表达习惯 英语翻译各个民族由于宗教信仰,政治制度以及人文历史等方面的不同,造成语言表达上的“真空”地带,这就是文化空缺现象.例如, 英语翻译墓地 死人 吸血鬼 用不同语言翻译最好是比较少见的少见的语种 化学反应中由于反应物添加的顺序不同而造成的现象不同,所包含的化学方程式和现象?! 黄宗羲的思想和传统民本思想的不同? 英语翻译我们很抱歉造成这样的情况,我们想可能由于在运输过程中由于温度变化的原因导致了货物会有发霉,这次的情况对我们来说也 汽车在行驶中由于路况和车速的不同,发动机(热机)的实际功率也不同,通常情况下实际功率要小于它的最大功率 英语翻译贸易中的许多摩擦是由于各国不同的文化差异造成的.这些差异既有历史和传统的差异,更有不同思维方式造成的差异.承认差 哲学中 “矛盾” “矛盾论” “对立统一” “矛盾的方法和矛盾的观点”这些英语怎么翻译