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英语翻译REBECCA LUCORE:“It’s just about having scientifically li

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 19:14:40
REBECCA LUCORE:“It’s just about having scientifically literate citizens.[It’s really important no
matter what career you go into if it’s accounting or human resources or science career that you can think critically and creatively,you can work in teams,you can adapt to change and that’s important for everybody.”
说这段话的人(即 REBECCA LUCORE)应该是想指出科学素养(scientifically literate)对每个人的重要性.从该段话的最後部份来看,她所谓“科学素养”,是指能够批判地和具创意地思考(think critically and creatively)(亦即不会因循守旧,人云亦云);而且能够与人合作共事(work in teams);也能适应变化(adapt to change).在她看来,无论从事那个行业,都必须具备这些素质.