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英语翻译Over the past years,international relations scholarship

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 06:53:18
Over the past years,international relations scholarship has come under criticism for its failure to problematize state territoriality.Building upon a frequently made critique that the discipline artificially separates domestic and international politics (Keohane and Nye,1998),critical scholars assert that the territorial state is a relatively recent innovation,its power within its territory rarely has been complete,the mechanisms and meanings of state territoriality have changed significantly over time,and states always have attempted to exercise power outside their borders (Kratochwil,1986; Mann,1984; Ruggie,1993; Taylor,1994).They note that much of the state's authority within its territory comes not from having a 'monopoly of violence' within the space it controls but from participating in a mutual sovereignty pact wherein states recognize each other's terri- torial claims and thereby construct the territorial state system.This has led Taylor (1995) to suggest that the basic unit of analysis in political science should be the states,not the state.Thomson (1994) adds a further element to this critique,asserting that the state system,while normally associated with political control of territory within state boundaries,was not complete until its systemic authority could be asserted in the spaces beyond formal state borders.Rounding out this line of criticism,discourse theorists assert that the legitimacy of the state as a sovereign authority governing territory is buttressed by linguistic practices that 'naturalize' the state-society as a geographical 'fact' (Agnew and Corbridge,1995; Der Derian and Shapiro,1989; 0 Tuathail,1996).Through discursive strate- gies,civil interventions within state space come to be seen as 'natural' and acts of governments and militaries designed to protect state space are portrayed as 'reflexive' acts of self-defence.
这段好难,是这篇论文中的内容吧.Global Communication and the Post-Statism of Cyberspace:A Spatial constructivist view 作者:PE Steinberg (Keohane and Nye,1998)
近年来,国际关系学派因为没有将国家领土问题化而受到诟病.基于一个常见的批评论点,即:约束人为地划分出国内和国际政治(Keohane and Nye,1998),批判学者断言,领土国家是一个存在不久的概念,其在领土内的权力很少是完整的,国家领土的机制和意义也随着时间的推移发生了重大变化,并且国家总是试图将其权力行使到边界以外(Kratochwil,1986; Mann,1984; Ruggie,1993; Taylor,1994).他们指出,国家在其领土内的权威不是来自其控制空间的“垄断的暴力”,而是来自其加入的互相承认主权的协议,这个协议使参加的国家相互承认对方的领土要求,从而构建了领土国家制度.这导致泰勒(1995)表明,政治学分析的基本单位应该是若干国家,而不是一个国家.汤姆逊(1994年)进一步在这个批评论点中增加了一个元素.他指出,国家系统,尽管一般领土的政治控制是在其边界内的,如果不被其正式的国家边界以外的空间所认可,这个系统是不完整的.沿着这一思路,批评理论家断言,一个国家作为主权机构管理领土的合法性实际上是由语言实践支撑的,这个语言实践将国家社会“自然化”成了一个地理的“事实”(Agnew and Corbridge,1995; Der Derian and Shapiro,1989; 0 Tuathail,1996).通过推论,内部干涉在国家空间内被视为'自然的',政府和军队的行为被视为保护国家空间被描绘成“反应性的”自我防卫行为.