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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/14 09:46:20
1,if the seller to provide the equipment inconsistent with the provisions of this contract,the buyer and the terms of the contract period of quality assurance and testing phase of the proposed claim,the seller subject to the following methods of compensation:
(1) agreed with the buyer's return,and will retire by the amount of equipment under the contract with the buyer to repay the money and commitment for the return of all direct losses and costs,including:interest rates,bank charges,freight,insurance,inspection fees,Storage,handling and all other necessary costs.
(2) in accordance with the equipment of poor quality of the damage and loss would amount to the buyer equipment depreciation.
(3) of the present contract with the new parts to replace defective parts,and assume the buyer all the losses suffered by and costs.
2,the buyer if the seller received after the claims were not reply within one month,as the seller accepted the claim.
英语翻译索赔1、如卖方提供的设备与本合同规定不符,且买方在本合同规定的质量保证期和检验期之内提出索赔时,卖方须按下列方式 英语翻译售货合同卖方:中国化工供销总公司买方:本合同由双方订立.根据本合同规定的条款,卖方同意出售,买主同意购买下列货物 英语翻译除安装和使用不当外,若卖方交付的设备由于设备制造等本身的原因不符合本合同第2.1条的规定,卖方应在买方提出异议的 英语翻译若卖方所做样品无法满足买方图纸要求时,须卖方书面通知买方,本合同自动中止.卖方须将所收到的30%合同金额预收款於 英语翻译卖方在此保证:1、其向买方提供的所有设备软件拥有完全的知识产权或已经软件知识产权所有者特许自己使用和提供给买方非 英语翻译本合同由买方、卖方、代理方叁方协定签署,买卖双方愿意按照以下合同中所规定的条款购买、出售.因买卖双方在付款方式上 英语翻译在平等互惠、互相扶持、共同发展的基础上,甲方和乙方双方经过充分协商,共同签订本合同.由乙方向甲方提供合同规定的产 英语翻译交付与验收1、货物所有权应自交付给买方或卖方委托的货运代理人起转移至买方.灭失或损毁的风险应自交付给买方或卖方委 在本合同规定的条件下,翻译成英文, 英语翻译质量保证期是指电厂完成96小时试运行并移交业主后运行一年或卖方发运最后一批设备到达印尼买方指定港口之日起满36个 英语翻译一般而言,在电子商务中,网络公司往往作为联系买方和卖方的电子中间In general/ generally sp 英语翻译A公司和B公司经过友好协商,就卖方向买方提供XX项目中的xxxx设备的制造、指导安装、调试及现场服务等相关事宜,