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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 22:00:44
Dear Sir or Madam,
There are the questions needed to be discussed with you as follows after we met each other as follows;
1)Regarding the containers have been delayed so that we can’t deliver in time.Becasue the forwarder we assigned need to transit shipment and get on the vessal deffered that give rise to the shipment we get to be ready for couldn’t deliver to you in time.There is no doubt that we don’t have any excuse for this and we just want to do it better.As for this,then the measures we take is change the forwarder that it doesn’t need to make a transit shipment even if the large amount cost will be paid by us.We will let you and your boss note the shipping situation and the shipment in the future will be taken the actual photos.We must improve it and hope that we should deal with each other in time and coordinate with it if you have any question so as to avoid accuring any trouble.
2)Regarding the previous price we quoted to you,the mould cost will be free after we make consideration deeply by this conversation.We will send the new quotation sheet to you and Mr Haflz by e-mail and please note and wait.
3)It is pity that Mr Haflz doesn’t visit to our factory in china.Thanks for you welcome our boss’s visit.At the same,we note that Mr Haflz will go on holiday and get back till the end of August and enjoy yourself by our wishes.Then we will visit to your company.We will get to be ready for the pohos of passport and send it you by email.Please help us arrange for invitation form.Of course,this is the thing we do in the future.At present,the most important thing we should do is to devlier the shipment to you in time.
Attached are the photos that we meet each other for this visit as well as the our new factory.
Please note with thanks!Your early reply would be much more appreciated.
Best Regards,
英语翻译Mr.Hafiz与我们在展会见了面,双方对以下问题进行了商讨1.近期货柜船期延误,未能及时交货问题.由于我们委托 英语翻译“已经收到你的来信了,很抱歉这么晚才给你回信,因为对于具体的问题,我们还在研究商讨中,所以抱歉没及时给你回信.对 英语翻译我们原来订的是11月1日的船,但是由于船公司的原因,拖班了.船期的延误主要是货代的责任.我们以后会加强与货代的沟 英语翻译这句话,(合同过程中的交货延误异议索赔等相关问题,A公司免责,只提供商务支持,实际问题由B公司与A公司自行商讨解 英语翻译船期延误了一周,并且在清关中遇到一些麻烦.所以货物今天刚刚到我们的仓库.货物包装完好,没有任何损坏.谢谢你的跟踪 英语翻译针对您提出的问题,我们与我公司业务部进行了沟通. 英语翻译由于缺钱我们没有把这个计划付诸实施(parctice)我们按时到那里是没有可能的,因为大雪延误了我们的航班(po 英语翻译尊敬的XXX机构领导:由于我司,未能及时将样品送至贵机构,导致样品未能在贵机构进行检测,而导致证书被停止。对贵机 英语翻译由于我们代理公司的疏忽,出现了这些问题,我感到很抱歉,我已经让他们及时修改了所有的错误.(以上翻译成英文) 英语翻译附件是XX项目的出货日程表,有问题请及时与我联系.以下是XX项目1月1日的周计划,有问题请及时与我联系.我们明天 英语翻译关于问题4,我又与林先生确认了一下,他现在没有申请美国绿卡的打算了由于我们对美国报税不很了解,需要林先生签字的文 这个订单我们已经交货了