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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 04:22:26
As a system existing ever since ancient time,the floating mortgage,which solved to a certain extent the problems of fund insufficiency for some business operators and prospered the market with its flexibility,has been playing an important role in economic development of the human society.Due to the characteristics of “all laws combined,civil and criminal laws mixed” in ancient China’s legal system,there has been no floating mortgage system.There has been no specific stipulation on this issue since the founding of the People’s Republic of China until the year 2007 when the ‘Property Law of the People’s Republic of China’ was approved (by the National People's Congress of China) that it has been defined.Because of no relevant experience and precipitation in its making,there still exist certain defects in it which restricted its application in the market and which result in its restricted effect on the development of China’s economy.Beginning with a explanation of the floating mortgage,the writer of this article investigated its definition and basic legal characteristics,and indicated,by analyzing and comparing domestic and foreign floating mortgage systems,the defects existing in China’s floating mortgage system,and further made,on the basis of making reference to the advanced foreign system and integrating the actual situation in China,proposals for improvement of it.
英语翻译浮动抵押是自古以来即有的制度,它对社会的经济发展起到重要的作用,其灵活的操作在一定程度上解决了市场经营者的资金缺 制度在经济发展中起到的作用? 英语翻译会计改革对我国的经济发展起到了至关重要的作用,是完善我国社会主义市场经济体制的重要环节.为适应我国经济体制的改革 英语翻译对发展我国保险业的思考保险作为一种经济补偿手段,被誉为“稳定器”,在一定程度上保证着社会的稳定和经济发展,其在现 关于美国发展史一,哪些美国观念,文化,制度促进了美国发展,二,美国的知识产权保护制度对促进美国经济发展起到了什么样的作用 西双版纳的旅游业的发展对经济发展起到了哪些作用. 江南地区的发展对我国经济发展起到了怎样的促进作用? 国家垄断资本主义对资本主义经济发展的作用 A、在一定程度上促进了社会生产力的发展 B、从根本上解决了失业的问题 C、解决 36.社会保障体系对促进经济和社会发展进步的作用表现在它可以( )A.促进劳动力再生产的顺利进行B.在一定程度上缓和社会 人类历史上的第一个规矩制度是什么,他对人类文明发展起到了什么作用? 英语翻译体现了客户对公司的信任和公司在业内良好的口碑,对扩大上海市场起到了良好的促进作用.英文怎么说 经济发展对国防建设有何重要的作用