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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 19:08:52
相传月亮上的广寒宫前的桂树生长繁茂,有五百多丈高,下边有一个人常在砍伐它,但是每次砍下去之后,被砍的地方又立即合拢了。几千年来,就这样随砍随合,这棵桂树永远也不能被砍光。据说这个砍树的人名叫吴刚,是汉朝西河人,曾跟随仙人修道,到了天界,但是他犯了错误,仙人就把他贬谪到月宫,日日做这种徒劳无功的苦差使,以示惩处。李白诗中有“欲斫月中桂,持为寒者薪”的记载。中秋传说之三——朱元璋与月饼起义 中秋节吃月饼相传始于元代。当时,中原广大人民不堪忍受元朝统治阶级的残酷统治,纷纷起义抗元。朱元璋联合各路反抗力量准备起义。但朝庭官兵搜查的十分严密,传递消息十分困难。军师刘伯温便想出一计策,命令属下把藏有“八月十五夜起义”的纸条藏入饼子里面,再派人分头传送到各地起义军中,通知他们在八月十五日晚上起义响应。到了起义的那天,各路义军一齐响应,起义军如星火燎原。很快,徐达就攻下元大都,起义成功了。消息传来,朱元璋高兴得连忙传下口谕,在即将来临的中秋节,让全体将士与民同乐,并将当年起兵时以秘密传递信息的“月饼”,作为节令糕点赏赐群臣。
he legend of Mid-Autumn festival -- two WuGang a row
To generation on the moon before GuangHanGong wicky grow thickly,there are more than five hundred cubits high,underneath have a who often cut down it,but every time after cut down,cut place and shut up immediately.For thousands of years,so cut with with close,this tree cinnamon can never be clear-cut.It is said that the cut down a tree of the man was WuGang,is the han dynasty xihe people,who follow fairy Abbey,in heaven,but he made a mistake,fairy took him relegation to the moon day after day,do this mockery of sweat,as punishment.LiBaiShi in the "carved months to guangxi,hold for cold person pay" records.The legend of Mid-Autumn festival moon cakes and three - zhu yuanzhang uprising the moon cakes making began in the yuan dynasty.At that time,the majority of people unbearable