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give in和give up表上交有什么区别吗

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 04:43:36
give in和give up表上交有什么区别吗
give in和give up
两者都可表示“交给”,但有区别:give in 主要表示将某物(如报告、试卷等)呈交给有权受理此物的人;而 give up 通常只是 一般性地表示将某物让给、交给或献给他人或用作他用.
Give in your examination papers now.现在把考卷交上来.
Names of contestants must be given in before the end of the month.
He gave up his seat to an old man.他给一位老人让座.
He gave up his life for his country.他为祖国献身了.
The second floor was given up to sleeping rooms.二楼划作寝室用.
注:表示“呈交”的 give in 在美国英语中通常用 hand in 代之.另外,若 give up 后接反身代词,可指“投案自首”.
如:He gave himself up to the police.他向警察自首了.