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猫王歌曲歌词及翻译《A Fool Such As I》《I Forgot to remember to forget》《

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 21:16:21
《A Fool Such As I》
《I Forgot to remember to forget》
《Loving you》

1《A Fool Such As I》
Now and then there's a fool such as I 有时侯 总会有个傻瓜 像我一样
Pardon me, if I'm sentimental 别介意 我可能多愁善感了点
When we say goodbye 我们俩分别的时候
Don't be angry with me should I cry 看我哭的天昏地暗 你千万别生气
When you're gone, yet I'll dream 当你离我而去 我却还在做梦
A little dream as years go by 南柯一梦已过 岁月不再归来
Now and then there's a fool such as I 有时侯 总会有个傻瓜 像我一样
Now and then there's a fool such as I am over you 有时侯 总会有个傻瓜 像我一样把你忘怀
You taught me how to love 你教会我怎样去爱
And now you say that we are through 现在你却告诉我 是时候分开
I'm a fool, but I'll love you dear 我是个傻瓜 但一直到死
Until the day I die 我都会爱着你
Now and then there's a fool such as I 有时侯 总会有个傻瓜 像我一样
Now and then there's a fool such as I am over you 有时侯 总会有个傻瓜 像我一样把你忘怀
You taught me how to love 你教会我怎样去爱
And now you say that we are through 现在你却告诉我 是时候分开
I'm a fool, but I'll love you dear 我是个傻瓜 但一直到死
Until the day I die 我都会爱着你
Now and then there's a fool such as I 有时侯 总会有个傻瓜 像我一样
Now and then there's a fool such as I 有时侯 总会有个傻瓜 像我一样
Now and then there's a fool such as I 有时侯 总会有个傻瓜 像我一样

2.《I Forgot to remember to forget》

I forgot to remember to forget her,我忘了想起来 把她给忘掉
I can't seem to get her off my mind.脑海中 我好像赶不走她的身影
I thought I'd never miss her,我原以为再也不会想念她
But I found out somehow 但我渐渐发现
I think about her almost all the time. 大部分时间里 我都在想着她
The day she went away她离开的那天
I made myself a promise我对自己承诺
That I'd soon forget we ever met. 我会很快忘掉我们曾相遇
But something sure is wrong,但曾经的坚定不复存在
'Cause I'm so blue and lonely.因为我此刻好难过好孤独 (好琼瑶)
I forgot to remember to forget.我忘了想起来 去忘记这一切
The day she went away她离开的那天
I made myself a promise我对自己承诺
That I'd soon forget we ever met. 我会很快忘掉我们曾相遇
But something sure is wrong,但曾经的坚定不复存在
'Cause I'm so blue and lonely.因为我此刻好难过好孤独 (好琼瑶)
I forgot to remember to forget.我忘了想起来 去忘记这一切

3《Loving you》
I will spend my whole life through 我会用一辈子的时间
loving you, loving you. 来爱你
Winter, summer, spring-time, too,寒冬酷暑 春光明媚 也一样
loving you, loving you. 爱着你
Makes no difference where I go or what I do.去何方 做何事 都无关紧要
You know that I'll always be loving you.你要知道 我永远爱你
If I'm seen with someone new,如果你看见我的身边有另外一个姑娘
don't be blue, don't be blue.别伤心 别难过
I'll be faithful I'll be true; 我必定忠诚 绝无二心
always true, true to you.永远诚实地对待你
There is only one for me, and you know who.我的心只给唯一的一个人 而你知道她是谁
You know that I'll always be loving you.你要知道 我永远爱你