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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 07:46:44
A Bus or a Can?
“Good heavens!”I always sigh with relief when I get off Bus No.65.
There are many stories of sadness and sorrows about Bus No.65,which I take every day on my way to school.
It is usual for me to wait for over ten minutes at the bus stop without seeing a bus coming during the rush hour.This causes more and more people to gather.Among them are those rushing to work,peasants going to the railway station with heavy luggage and students going to school with schoolbags on their shoulders.
When finally a bus arrives,people will force their way into it when it is still moving.The doors open,men try hard to be the first to get on.They don't even wait for the passengers on the bus to get off!
In a while,the bus is filled again.It is so full that the conductor has difficulty closing the doors.A few people are forced to step off.Even so,the doors still can not close fast.So some warm-hearted men have to push hard on the backs of the few who are only half in and kick the doors close.
Sometimes it is impossible for you to buy a ticket,for if you try to turn around it will cause complaints from others.I often feel as if I were so tightly tied that I were almost out of breath.Complaints,cries,angry curses① and quarrels soon fill my ears.
“I'm almost breathless!” an old lady murmurs.
“My handbag!Where is it?”shouts someone.
“Move a bit,can't you?You're stepping on my toe!”another cries angrily.
“Why on earth do you push your elbow ② against my stomach?”still another protests③.
“Those villagers!Throw them out!See how many big bags they carry with them!”Many shout in one voice.
Babies let out screams of frights and sufferings.
Although I am so used do quarrels that I am almost not caring about them,yet I very much wish I could turn my ears away from these noises.I can't help wondering whether I am one of the sardines ④ packed tightly in a can.
When at last I am pushed on the bus by the gate of my school,I am often troubled by such a question,“When will all my sufferings of taking Bus No.65 end?”
①curse [k+:s] n.咒骂;咒语
②elbow ['elb+u] n.肘;肘部
③protest [pr+u'test] v.抗议;反对;明言
④sardine [sa:'di:n] n.沙丁鱼