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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 05:11:55
追忆抗战时期,多少为祖国前赴后继的战士不是战死沙场,而是在手术台上牺牲.医疗技术的落后,使我们付出了惨重的代价. 如今,科技迅速发展,许多不治之症都得到了解决.我的梦想就是努力在学校学有所成,把青春献给国家,用医术回报祖国.
Everyone should have his/her dream even he/she has nothing on hand. I have remembered these words since day one. It is true that a ship sails at open sea with the chart; a hawk flies and glide with her wings freely. We, should have our dream to make life glared
In 2013, the national congress sessions attributed to the dreams and it came true. President Xi highlighted that the revitalized Chinese dream which touched everyone of our hearts.
In UK, there is a erected tomb of a famous Jewishphilosopher which crafted these words - I have many dreams in my life, and till this aging stage, I realized that if I could have changed myself then maybe I could change my country and even more, perhaps I could have change the entire world", the piece of wording is situated near the Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster.
Thousand miles of journey begins with a single step! Yes it is, we have to get the Chinese dream come true. It should start from small, start with oneself. My dream is to become an outstanding medical doctor/surgeon, in which I use my hands to save life, to give others hope. The writer Luxin's dream was to be a doctor. when he put his dream as compared to Chinese dreams, I am just wonder which is more essential?! He gave up medicine study as became a writer, he used pen instead of surgical knife. His virtuous voice passed through hundred years of life span but it is still very encouraging. My dream may not match his but to save life and cure sick people is a noble mission for me and it is wipping on me to strive forward.
Should we recall then during the WWII, how many our soldiers sacrified their lives not in the battle fields but on the surgical bed. It was because the poor equipped and outdated medical technology. We paid a very price for that. But now, thanks for the advanced technology, many uncurable illnesses can be handled easily. My dream is to work hard in school, strive for the best and spend my life, my youth for our motherland.
As of now, the historical batton has passed on to us now, we have to declared loud and clear that - Forget not yesterday pain, sorrowness or glories, the duty and mission ought to carry out today without fail, for tomorrow dream - we shall not stop persuing.