作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 17:59:04
事件: 同事拿过来厚厚的一叠汇款单,让我帮忙填下,需要填本公司名称、账号、对方公司、账号以及金额.填写要求很严格,不得有些许模糊信息,否则作废.刚开始写的时候,因为平时写字比较快,总是因一不小心就多带了一笔而作废.同事告诉我说没事,慢慢写,不要急.于是我慢慢的写,终于完成第一份.后来就习惯了,慢慢的写,看清楚再写.最终完成了所有的汇款单填写.
今天的发现: 一笔一划才能避免出错.无论做什么事情都要抱着小心、谨慎的态度.
我的计划: 做任何事都不要急于求成,而是慢慢的,一步一步的走稳,最终你才能达到想要的目标.
Event:the colleague brought a pile of money orders ,and asked me to fill them in for him,including the company's name,account,the counterpart's name,account and amount.The requirements are strict and there should be no vague information,otherwise the money order will be vail and void.At the beginning,lots of money orders are wasted because of my carelessness for.My colleague said there was no problem,just wrote them slowly,not too hurry.So i slowed down and finished one finally.Then i got used to writing slowly and watching carefuly before starting to write.Finally,i filled in all the money orders.
Today,i found that in order to avoid the mistake,you must do word by word.You must be careful and cautious when doing everything.
My plan is:In order to realize my goal,you must do everything slowly and step by step,not too hurry.