作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 22:30:02
情境一 在兴国中学门口103路公交车站旁,张老师以及两名学生一起等车
情境二 其中一名学生过马路时一辆公交车驶来,由于老师的赶到,把他从马路上推开,自己被车撞到,受重伤
情境三 老师被救护车紧急送往医院抢救
情境四 张老师醒来,校长和学生带这鲜花来看望她,并对她的给予行为的肯定的评价
要求1 120词左右
Miss. Zhang is my class teacher. She teaches English and usually stay late at school just in case some students may have questions to ask her. Thus, at about 6 p.m. last Tuesday, there were only 3 people at the No. 103 bus stop near the school gate of Xing Guo High School. Two students and Miss Zhang were waiting for the bus to go home. The bus was late. Miss Zhang was looking around to check where the bus was. All of a sudden, she saw a student crossing the street while a bus was going toward that student in a high speed. Miss Zhang thought the student might be hit by the bus. With no hesitation, Miss Zhang run toward the student and pushed him off the cross-road. The student was saved, but Miss Zhang was badly injured because she was hit by that bus. The student called the ambulance and Miss Zhang was sent to the hospital. Miss Zhang has been unconscious for half a day. The next morning, when Miss Zhang woke up, she found out that she was surrounded by the principals and her students, including the student that she saved. The first thing that Miss Zhang said was to that student. She said "I am glad that you are OK." The student was so thankful to everything that Miss Zhang did. Miss Zhang received positive evaluation about what she did.
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再问: 1 just in case so me students神马意思 2 to go home为什么不是go home 3 unconscious和principals是什么意思 4 evaluation什么意思
再答: 1是just in case some students 分行了· 是以防万一一些学生....这句话我是说她教英语而且一般留在学校比较晚以防万一一些学生可能会有问题问她 2. 因为是他们等公车要回家 = = 或者你可以理解为 为了回家他们在等车 3. unconscious是失去知觉 principal是校长,这里我多打了一个s 你记得把它删掉...因为就一个校长 4. evaluation是评价 评估