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at the airport 小作文 只要5 6句

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 08:52:20
at the airport 小作文 只要5 6句
以 at the airport 为题,写一篇至少5句话的短文,要求内贴切,意思连贯.
at the airport
在机场,有很多人There are a lot of people in the airport.大多数人都在机场接朋友或家人And most people at the airport,take a friend or family member.他们大多数都很幸福Most of them are very happy.但是也有一些人仍然在焦急的等待But there are some people still anxiously waiting.我祝愿他们都会幸福I wish them all happy.