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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 22:01:50
Labor’s Day
May 1,1886,"May 1" International Labor’s Day.May 1 International Labor’s Day is the world proletariat and the working people united fight holiday.May 1,1886,the United States as the center of Chicago,the United States there are about 350,000 workers regardless of the bloody suppression of the reactionary military and police,implemented a large-scale strikes and demonstrations to improve working conditions,the implementation of eight hour working day.American workers have been the heroic struggle of the working class around the world support to force the capitalists to accept the workers put the "eight-hour work day".To commemorate this victory shows that "the world proletariat,together," the great strength,in July 1889,the second International Congress decided to May 1 as International Labor’s Day.
19 in the 1980s,with the stage of monopoly capitalism into the United States rapidly growing ranks of the proletariat,in the magnificent labor movement.At that time,the U.S.bourgeoisie in order to carry out capital accumulation,on a cruel exploitation of the working class squeeze,they used various means to force the workers engaged in a day as long as 12-16 hours of labor.The United States the broad masses of workers gradually realized that in order to protect their rights,we must fight together.
From 1884,the United States advanced organizations of workers to pass a resolution,for the realization of "the eight-hour work day" and fight,and decided to start a wide range of struggle for the May 1,1886 implementation of eight hour working day.Eight hour working day of the slogans raised immediately after the United States of the working class and the warm support and response,many cities thousands of workers into the struggle.Workers strike by the United States Administration's bloody suppression,many workers have been killed and arrested.
May 1,1886,the United States in cities such as Chicago's 350,000 workers held a strike to demand improved working conditions.This struggle shocked the entire United States.The working class fighting a powerful force for unity,forcing the capitalists to accept the demands of the workers.U.S.workers of the strike has achieved victory.
July 1889,Engels led by the Second International Congress held in Paris.To commemorate the workers in the United States,"May 1" big strike,showed that "the world proletariat,unite!" The great strength,and promote national workers for the eight hour working day struggle,the meeting adopted a resolution that May 1,1890 International workers held demonstrations and decided to May 1 this day as the International Labor’s Day.