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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 23:57:00
2.3 Physical measurements
1H NMR spectra were recorded on an Avance-400 spectrometer with d6-DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) as the solvent at room temperature and TMS (tetramethylsilane) as the internal standard. UV–Vis (UV–visible) spectra were recorded on a Perkin–Elmer Lambda-25 spectrophotometer, and emission spectra were recorded on a PerkinElmer LS-55 luminescence spectrometer at room temperature. Electrospray mass spectra (ES-MS) were recorded on a LQC system (Finngan MAT, USA) using CH3CN as the mobile phase.
The absorption titration of ruthenium(II) complexes in buffer was carried out by adding the DNA stock solution to a fixed concentration of ruthenium. Ruthenium solutions employed were 10 μM in concentration and calf thymus DNA was added to a ratio of 1.27:1 [DNA]/[Ru]. Ruthenium-DNA solutions were allowed to incubate for 5 min before the absorption spectra were recorded. The intrinsic binding constants Kb of Ru (II) complexes to DNA were calculated from equation [14]:
[DNA] / (εa -f) = [DNA] / (b -f) + 1 / [Kb(b -f)]
Where [DNA] is the concentration of DNA in base pairs, εa, εf and εb correspond to the apparent absorption coefficient Aobsd/[Ru], the extinction coefficient for the ruthenium complex in the fully bound form, respectively. In plots of [DNA]/( εa -εf ) versus [DNA], Kb is given by the ratio of slope to the intercept.
Viscosity measurements were carried out by using an Ubbelodhe viscometer maintained a constant temperature at 28.0 (±0.1) C in thermostatic water-bath. CT-DNA samples approximately 200 base pairs in average length were prepared by sonicating in order to minimize complexities arising from DNA flexibility [15]. Flow time was measured with a digital stopwatch, and each sample was measured three times, and an average flow time was calculated. Data were presented as (/0) 1/3 versus binding ratio [16], where  is the viscosity of CT-DNA in the presence of complex, and 0 is the viscosity of CT-DNA alone.
核磁共振谱记录的进步 - 400谱仪与D6中-二甲基亚砜(二甲亚砜)为溶剂,在室温和全方位维修计划作为内部标准.紫外可见光谱(紫外可见)谱记录的一珀金-埃尔默的LAMBDA - 25分光光度计,和发射光谱均录得就一珀金埃尔默的LS - 55发光光谱仪在室温下.电喷雾质谱(安老服务- MS )的均录得就一lqc系统( finngan垫,美国)使用乙腈作为流动相.
吸收滴定法测定钌(二)配合在缓冲区进行了加入的DNA原液,以一个固定的浓度钌.钌解决方案,聘请10 μ m的浓度和小牛胸腺DNA ,加入的比例为1.27:1 [ DNA的] / [如] .钌- DNA的解决方案,获准以孵化为5分钟前,吸收光谱均录得.内在的结合常数KB的茹(二)配合物的DNA计算从方程[ 14 ] :
[ DNA的] / ( ε 1 -六) = [ D NA的] / (  B组- 六) + 1 / [ K B (下 B组-  f)项]
其中[ DNA的]是浓度的DNA的碱基对, ε 1 , ε f和ε b对应的表观吸收系数aobsd / [如] ,消光系数为钌配合物在完全约束的形式,分别为.在图谋[ DNA的] / ( ε 1 -ε f )在银两[ D NA的] ,或给出的比例斜坡向拦截.
粘度测量所进行的使用乌伯娄德粘度计粘度保持温度恒定在28.0 ( ± 0.1 )  C在恒温水浴.电脑断层的DNA样本约200个碱基对在平均长度分别编写的sonicating ,以尽量减少复杂性所引起的DNA的灵活性, [ 15 ] .流动时间是衡量一台数码秒表,每个样品测量的3倍,平均流通时间计算.数据作为(  /  0 ) 1 / 3银两约束力的比率[ 16 ] ,其中是粘度的CT - DNA的存在复杂,  0是粘度的CT - DNA的单.