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英语翻译me and my classmate thought it was a very old song which

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:34:11
me and my classmate thought it was a very old song which was not so famous!But if you learn it at school,well yes,it seems to be a very famous song!^-^
我的青春小鸟一样不回来 is a beautiful sentence!I did not know some caracters of this sentence like 青,春,鸟,回.But thanks to Google,I can translate it!And thanks to you,I learn a lot of new things!
Oh byt hte way,when I was in China,I've seen some 对联 on the door of the houses.I don't know if it was the same but I was wondering what it was meaning.My gosh!when I read what you've written,I'm wondering why I'm not leaving to China every year to celebrate it with you!It seems to be so wonderful!你奶奶帮你妈妈忙做饭吗?here there's only my mother who prepare the diner.sometimes my dad but we're very afraid of what he's going to cook!Here in Belgium,we also have a kind of 压岁钱 but for adults.In French,we call it "étrennes".
And about the Chinese examens,you are very unlucky because our French exams are only writing an essay or a text and are most of the time about litterature but never about grammar or vocabulary.
Oh and you're so kind!:) 我很喜欢书法 When we were in China,my parents bought a lot of chinese painting!I have a beautiful painting of the Li river.When I'm in my bed,I always look this picture and it makes me dream.Ok I'm raving!XD But I don't think that we brought 书法
If you want to,I can bought you a present from Belgium as New Year present!x)
我的青春小鸟一样不回来是一个很优美的句子,尽管我对青,春,鸟,回 几个字不认识,但是多亏了谷歌,我可以翻译出来.当然谢谢你啦我学到了许多新东西!顺便提一下,我在中国的时候,看到屋子门上的对联,我不知道他们是否是一样,但是我一直在想它的含义.天哪,当我看了你的解释后,我就一直在思考我为什么不去中国和你一起祝贺新年呢?看起来很棒哦,你奶奶帮你妈妈做饭吗?在我家只有我妈妈做饭,有时候我爸爸也参与,但是我们对他的厨艺很担心.在我们比利时,我们这边也有类似压岁钱的说法,但是那是给成人的,在法语里,叫做"étrennes".
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