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分析一篇完形中诸多语法知识——A Dad says Good—Bye,请懂英语的大师们帮忙,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 03:42:04
分析一篇完形中诸多语法知识——A Dad says Good—Bye,请懂英语的大师们帮忙,
A Dad Says Good-Bye
文章:I was standing there watching her and her mother decorate(装饰) her college dormitory room(宿舍).
Q1:这句话中看到Stand there以后,有些不知所措,watching her and her mother decorate(装饰) her college dormitory room(宿舍).都是什么
文章:__Everything____ (35) carefully planned pictures of her dearest friends on the wall,drawers and boxes full of clothes and books under the bed.
文章:As the room takes on her style(风格),I begin to accept that her room at home is
__no longer____ (36) hers.It is now ours.Our room for her when she ___visits___ (37).
Q3:这里的no longer就是一个副词吧?和no more差不多
no more
no longer
文章:I find myself thinking of when I held her in my arms,in the chair by my wife’s hospital bed.
Q4:①这里的,in the chair by my wife’s hospital bed.用,隔开,是不是作地点状语的?地点状语就是这样的结构吗?主+谓+地点状语.②就像结果状语和伴随状语一样在结尾,而时间状语,原因状语,条件状语往往在前面?我这里说的是否有些地方是错误的③这是不是涉及英语标点符号的用法了,
文章:One day old .So small,so beautiful,so __perfect____ (38) ,so totally depending on her new,untested parents … How time flies!
文章:She looks up now,catching me watching her,causing her to ___say___ (39) to her mother,“Mom,Dad’s looking at me funny.”
Q6:①这咋翻译 ②catching me watching her咋翻译的,作插入语吗?这个插入语修饰谁?③causing her.做的是什么成分,还是状语?④cause在这里是啥意思,casue sb、to do是什么词组
⑤有say to sb.的说法么?
文章:As I walk to the car with my wife at my side,my eyes are wet and I realize that my life is changing forever.
文章: I was standing there watching her and her mother decorate(装饰) her college dormitory room(宿舍).
Q1:这句话Stand there以后, watching her and her mother decorate(装饰) her college dormitory room(宿舍). 是现在分词短语作伴随状语
其中 watching是现在分词 her and her mother是现在分词的宾语
decorate(装饰) her college dormitory room(宿舍)是秃头不定式 短语 作分词宾语的 宾补.
就是 watch/see sb do sth 句型
文章:__Everything__is__ (35) carefully planned pictures of her dearest friends on the wall, drawers and boxes full of clothes and books under the bed.
Q2:少写了个 is 这句话可翻译成 一切都 仔细 安排好了 .后面是everything 的同位语
包括 墙上最亲朋友的照片 床下 装满衣服和书的 抽屉、箱子.
文章:As the room takes on her style(风格), I begin to accept that her room at home is
__no longer____ (36) hers. It is now ours. Our room for her when she ___visits___ (37).
Q3:这里的no longer就是一个副词 和no more差不多
文章:I find myself thinking of when I held her in my arms, in the chair by my wife’s hospital bed.
Q4:①这里的, in the chair by my wife’s hospital bed. 用,隔开,是作地点状语的 地点状语可以是这样的结构 主+谓+地点状语.②就像结果状语和伴随状语一样在结尾,而时间状语,原因状语,条件状语往往在前面 这个地方这么用 并不错 ,因为地点状语 太长时 用逗号隔开 句子意思更清晰 ③这是涉及英语标点符号的用法了.
文章:She looks up now, catching me watching her, causing her to ___say___ (39) to her mother, “Mom, Dad’s looking at me funny.”
Q6:①现在 她抬起头 发现我在看她 于是她对她妈妈说 ,“妈妈,爸爸在看我呢,爸爸真有趣.” ②catching me watching her是现在分词作伴随状语 ③causing her.做的是结果状语状语?④cause在这里是引起的意思,casue sb、to do是 引起某人做某事 不定式作宾补
⑤say to sb.的说法
文章:As I walk to the car with my wife at my side, my eyes are wet and I realize that my life is changing forever.
Q15:状语从句置前 必须用逗号 隔开 后面是主句
再问: 这个上面的问题不太全,扣扣联系,八07六98三六6