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英语翻译when the enemy is over the mine the touch of an electric

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 01:46:06
when the enemy is over the mine the touch of an electric button causes it to spring out of the ground until it is checked by a chain at the height of a yard above the surface,when it explodes,mowing down every man in the vicinity.
请完整翻译整个句子,第一句话好理解:“敌人走到地雷上,触发了电动按钮就会使地雷炸出地面,.地雷爆炸会撂倒每个在附近的敌人”最关键的是until it is checked by a chain at the height of a yard above the surface 这句话如何译呢?
敌人走到地雷上面,会触发(地雷上的)电动按钮,导火索便(点燃发射装药),将(地雷)推起离地约1码(1码 = 0.9144 米)高,然后地雷爆炸,撂倒在附近的所有敌人.
until it is checked by a chain这里可以理解为地雷上的电动按钮被触动后,导火索便开始动作(即点燃发射装药).
再问: 你的解释比较好理解一点,可是chain 后面的定语 a chain at the height of a yard above the surface又怎么理解呢?
再答: 这里我觉得at the height of a yard above the surface是causes it to spring out of the ground中的it(即mine)的状语。 to spring out of the ground是一个状语,指地雷被(装药燃烧产生的推力)推出地面,而at the height of a yard above the surface是另一个状语,指离地一码的高度。