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英语翻译3gateway position (seaport) with the correspondent netwo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 17:50:25
gateway position (seaport) with the correspondent network of nodes as
conceptualized and explained by Lumsden (2006).According to Bichou and Gray
(2005),the port system not only serves as an integral component of the transport
system,but is also a major sub-system of the broader production,trade and
logistics systems.In a practical world,ports are continuously interacting with a
variety of businesses and market players (Bichou and Gray,2005).Carbone and
De Martino (2003) investigate the changing role of the ports with the current
evolution of international maritime trade patterns,which gives rise to the port
industry as a dynamic node in the international production and distribution
network.They claim that port has gained the status of a crossroad between the
production and distribution spheres.As a link in a larger logistics chain,the role
of port exceeds the simple function of service to ship and cargo.Apart from their
role as the traditional sea/land interface,ports are a good location for value-added
logistics,in which members of different channels can meet and interact (Bichou
and Gray,2004).
In this kind of business process transformation,Carbone and De Martino (2003)
take the initiative to analyze port operator integration processes with the
automotive supply chain (between port of Le Havre and Renault’s supply chain).
The authors call for a wider supply chain analysis due to potential opportunities
for creating customer value-added.These opportunities encompass a wide range
of logistics and value-added activities,developed in conjunction with industrial
and commercial businesses (Paixão and Marlow,2003).With this development as
a natural effect by constant industrial changes and expansion toward sea access,
the port industry has engaged in activities beyond its boundaries and ought to
cope with industrial uncertainty.Paixão and Marlow (2003) propose an agile port
concept—ensuring that port remains proactive elements along the supply chain
and to prevent the supply drifting apart from the demand.It’s no wonder that the
emphasis of the growing link between ports and economic growth increased
recently,especially with the introduction of demand management strategy.
Gattorna (2006) argues for a dynamic capability in supply chain designs so that
they can respond to any changes.A global supply chain taxonomy developed by
Christopher et al.(2006) with four supply chain strategies has been proposed to
highlight some roles that ports can handle in the context of different supply chain
strategies (Mangan et al.,2008).
Lumsden (2006)定义和解释的带客户网络节点的网关位置(海港).依据Bichou和Gray(2005)的说法,港口系统不仅作为运输系统的完整的组成部分,同时也是更大范围的产品、贸易和物流系统的主要子系统.在实际应用中,港口一直不间断地与各种商业贸易和市场竞争者相互作用.(Bichou and Gray,2005).Carbone andDe Martino (2003)研究了随着当前海上贸易模式的转变港口在角色上的转变,这种转变导致了港口产业成为了国际生产和行销网络的一个节点.他们宣称港口已经成为了生产和行销循环体系中的交汇点.由于与更大的物流链的联结,港口的角色已经超越了它原本只用来停船和货运的简单功能.且不说它作为传统的海陆交界处的角色,港口是增值的物流的好地点.来自不同渠道的货物会在这里汇聚并相互作用.(Bichou and Gray,2004).
在这种业务处理的转变上,Carbone和De Martino(2003)主动地分析了港口运营商与自动供应链(在勒阿弗尔港和雷诺公司的供应链)的一体化进程.由于潜在的各种因素,作者需要更广泛的对供应链的分析来生成增值客户.这些因素包括随着工业贸易和商业贸易一起发展起来的大范围的物流和增值行为的波动(Paixão and Marlow,2003).由于这种发展是工业向海上通道不断的改变和扩张的自然结果,港口产业进行了超越它的边界的各项活动,以应付工业的不稳定性.Paixão and Marlow (2003)提出一个机警港口的概念--确保港口依据供应链留有余力并且避免供应与需求相脱节.尤其是随着需求管理策略的引进,强调港口与最近出现的经济增长相联系就不足为奇了.Gattorna (2006) 赞成港口要有一个针对供应链的动态接纳能力的设计.这样,港口才能应对各种变化.Christopher et al.(2006) 建立的一个全球供应链动态学中的4种供应链策略已经强调了港口在处理不同的供应链策略时扮演的若干角色.