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英语翻译摘 要中国传统文化是特定地域或民族在长期发展的过程中,逐渐形成的一种具有自己特色的文化形态,具有唯一性和独特性.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 00:59:16
摘 要
关键字:传统元素 影视广告 表现 认同
China's traditional culture is a specific geographic or ethnic group in the long-term development process, A gradually formed its own culture, with the sole and unique. It is based on their own unique perspective of performance things. In Chinese traditional culture are in, it has a strong sense of identity. Television advertisements to the effect is to allow the general public to identify with their promotional products. So the traditional elements in television advertising of the issue should be seriously explored. Modern society is developing rapidly, various things fresh, fresh culture endless. Alien culture is spreading rapidly. From an artistic perspective, the Chinese Television advertising in the world wants to stop the advertising industry, it must have its own unique things, Cultural Arts hastened. Chinese traditional culture of the various elements of the application, will make China Television advertising has a uniqueness. Go well with the world of modern culture integration, we will be able to give China Television advertising Australia. Hill now foreign commercial products into China, many companies implement a strategy of localization. Thus advertising pursuit of traditional Chinese elements on the application of the statute necessary means. But in the process, many companies merely use, and failed to note that many cultural taboos. Therefore advertising creative success, failure results. In this paper, traditional Chinese elements included in the basic concepts and the demands of television advertising analysis, and examples of traditional Chinese elements in television commercials and the use of specific impact. To achieve Television advertisements seeking publicity identity.
英语翻译摘 要中国传统文化是特定地域或民族在长期发展的过程中,逐渐形成的一种具有自己特色的文化形态,具有唯一性和独特性. 英语翻译民族文化差异 每个民族都有自己的文化.这种文化是在特定的自然环境、历史条件、地理位置和社会现实中形成的,因此具有 英语翻译商业文化是在一国或民族特定的文化背景下,在特定的商业形态与产业结构演进过程中形成的,代表着与在一种文化中经营的各 英语翻译请将下列中文翻译成英文,节日文化是一种历史文化,是一个国家或一个民族在漫长的历史过程中形成和发展的民族文化,也是 12.传统文化是在长期历史发展中形成并 在现实生活中的,具有 性的文化.13.传统文化的继承形式:1234 人们在长期的适应当地的气候的过程中,逐渐形成了富有特色的生存和生活方式 介绍几种具有地域特色的建筑或食物 英语翻译世界各国由于特定的历史和地域而形成了独有的文化传统.习俗.价值观念.宗教信仰.思维方式等.具有不同的是非评价和衡 我国的民居建筑都与当地的自然环境息息相关,具有鲜明的地域文化特色,是中华民族共有的文化财富。各具特色的地域文化 人们在长期的适应当地的气候的过程中,逐渐形成了富有特色的生产生活方式,请举一例 1.长城是中国古代游牧民族与农耕民族的分界线,在长期的社会发展中逐渐形成了长城外的塞外游牧文化和长城内的中原农耕文化 这 人们在长期的适应当地的气候的过程中,逐渐形成了富有特色的()和()方式