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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 18:25:00
0h mirror, for the past few years;How much have I changed?! 镜子, 镜子请告诉我 : 5年来我是否变的太多 0h mirror, for the past few years;How many times have I lost?! 镜子, 镜子请告诉我 : 我浪费了多少光阴 Oh mirror, you know my story, 镜子只有你懂我心事 You know what I have seen, and you know what I have feared. 镜子, 只有你见我所见, 惧我所惧. How many times have I stood before you and told you that this is my end. 镜子, 我已多次向你透露我不欲生 Oh mirror, you know my story, I am fed up with this world. 镜子只有你你了解我的往事, 我恨透这世界. I'm tired, and i don’t know what is wrong with me. 满身的疲惫更不知何去何从 Every day feels like a year, could this really be my end?! 度日如年的我是否已到了那尽头? Oh mirror, how many things I have lost and found. 镜子只有你懂我的失与得 And how many chances to I have left. 只有你懂我是否有路可逃 Oh mirror, my heart is aching from all the stories. 镜子, 那些往事令我心痛如绞 I’m frustrated from all the betrayals I have faced. 段段的挫折与被背弃 I’m burdened, and boredom is killing me. 我是否真的只是个负累, 那寂寞在消灭着我 Some of my wounds are turning into scars. 某些伤处早已结成疤 And they are drawing a path to my end. 道道的伤痕指引着我去那不归路 Oh mirror, you know my story, my heart is wounded, 镜子啊, 只有你你了解我的往事, 我的伤痛 But I have not hurt anyone, I have swayed over my wounds. 为何我没伤别人却仍受伤害 I haven’t tasted happiness in a while. 幸福的滋味我没曾尝 Tell me where I am supposed to start! 镜子啊, 告诉我是否可以重来.