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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 13:30:25
它有着非常灵敏的嗅觉,同时它还是人类最忠实的朋友.你知道他是什么吗?对了,它就是狗!And my favorite animal is dog
有一天上午,我去拜访我的叔叔,一进门就见到了一只棕色的小狗,它正在追着自己的尾巴转圈圈,我见了就忍不住笑了:多笨的狗啊!当小狗看见我的时候,就向我冲了过来,使劲地摇着它的尾巴,用一双圆圆的眼睛看着我,一副热情的样子.叔叔抱起它,并示意我摸它的背部.我小心翼翼地把手伸过去,轻轻地抚摸着它,它很乖,静静地躺在叔叔的怀里.叔叔告诉我它是个女孩.So I call her Jessica.
It is good at smelling,and it is human's loyalest friend. Do you know it? Yes, it is dog!
And my favorite animal is dog.
I was afraid of dog at first,because my friend used to have a dog, which was not friendly to me.But after my uncle kept a dog,I stared to love dod slowly.
One morning,I called on my uncle,and saw a brown dog when I stepped into the door.
It was running around to pursue its tail.I could not help myself laughing, thinking what a clumsy dog it is! When the dog saw me, it ran towards me and swung its tail hard. It looked at me with its round eyes and treated me so warmly. My uncle picked it up in his arms and asked me to object its back. I stretched my hands carefully and slightly objected it. It was very good and ly quietly in my uncle's arms. My uncle told me that it is a girl.So I called her Jessica.
Since then, I started to like Jessica. And I go to see her every week. Whenever I step into the door, she will be very excting and run towards me and follow me.When I am watiching TV in chair, she comes over ,gets down on my foot, and falls into sleep after a while. I
bat her and she wakes up , looks at me and falls into sleep again. When I am leaving, she fetches my shoes quikly but the shoes she fetches are always my uncle's.
Jessica does not only likes following me, but also likes staring at me.One time when I was ready to serve the dishes in the kitchen, she stared at me.When I started to walk, she also walked but her hard head did not follow in time."Peng!"her head hit the doorcase.I looked at her, laughing and walking.Haha, what a clumsy dog she is!Suddenly,"Peng"again, my hard head hit the doorcase^
This is Jessica, a clumsy but lovely dog.
英语翻译翻译的时候尽量用一些简单的句子,译出意思就可以了,因为我打算用它作这次的英语演讲稿.万分感激!以下是需要翻译的作 英语翻译就翻译这两句子就可以了,因为要写成小短诗.是关于爱情的,翻译的时候尽量像诗句一样 感人点 幸福搭配悲伤 痛是在我 麻烦帮我翻译一下以下的几个句子嘛````尽量用一些简单的单词··越快越好 英语翻译有能力翻译出来的我万分感激·! 英语翻译这篇文章是我写的`可是因为时间不够了,不能翻译为中文了(我在赶作业),就请大家把它翻译为中文吧,翻译的越像中文作 英语翻译请帮我翻译一下上面的句子,感激万分! 求翻译,麻烦不要用翻译器,句子和单词尽量越简单越好,表明意思就行,谢谢他的精神和意志感动了千千万万的人,他不因为自己是残 英语翻译以下句子 要求是尽量口语化 不要太书面 不一定要逐字翻译 机翻的就不用回答了不会采纳的谢谢①在我很小的时候曾经到 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺一点的英文 尽量简单的英 英语翻译1.只支持 纯人工2.尽量在翻译的时候多使用词组、从句,翻译的时候能把句子的主要意思表达清楚就可以了.3、!中文 英语翻译用过的都可以的···万分感激~关键词可以是银行信贷风险方面的只要相关就可以了· 英语翻译首先..如果是用翻译器的就拜托别来了谢谢.因为我用过翻译出来压根读不懂什么意思.所以希望有高人可以帮忙解释下以下