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英语翻译This is perhaps most troubling in the context of pandemi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 01:15:29
This is perhaps most troubling in the context of pandemics because just as environmental catastrophes can spur epidemics,and potentially pandemics,pandemics can quickly take down economies and,potentially,countries.In the wake of avian flu,Southeast Asian economies experienced an enormous economic downturn; tourists have been writing me and asking whether it's safe to go to Brazil in light of the dengue epidemic; the economic,social and political cost of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa remains to be calculated.Thus,there is a vicious cycle:pandemics can encourage chaos and breakdowns of basic systems,particularly in the poorest and poorly governed nations,and these breakdowns can in turn create better conditions for more disease to emerge.Case in point:during the chaos in Kenya at the turn of this year,60 percent of patients on antiretroviral therapy and 35 percent of patients on TB drugs were lost to follow-up.It is likely that all those patients stopped their treatment midcourse and are now potentially cultivating resistant strains of both infections.
Policy makers are looking at the direct health consequences of pandemics (Who is sick?How do we treat them?) rather than the indirect health consequences (What other services will fail?What will happen to the food supply?).Had SARS hit anywhere in sub-Saharan Africa,where ventilators and surgical masks are a rare commodity,death rates would have been higher than in Asia.Today the response systems being put in place are to protect the wealthy with vaccines and antivirals,but do not treat those most likely to suffer.Thus,we are preparing for the next pandemic rather than doing everything in our power to prevent it.
Foundations and governments can't seem to get their heads around the fact that no disease can be treated in a vacuum:all efforts must be part of an integrated response,otherwise dollars are sure to be poorly spent.The worst-hit area on the planet for health-systems failure remains sub-Saharan Africa,where governments spend paltry amounts on health,the poor are frequently required to pay for services and there's an uncanny history of serious illnesses evolving.HIV is widely recognized today as having its roots in central Africa; resistant malaria parasites are commonplace; and bizarre outbreaks such as Ebola appear from time to time.When sexually transmitted infections go untreated and open sores ensue,the possibility for transmission increases exponentially,and that transmission doesn't stop at borders.
While epidemics get the press--the recent dengue outbreak in Brazil for example--pandemics tend to quietly work their way through populations,doing enormous harm never garnering the resources or the media attention.That's not to say that rich nations shouldn't be concerned about these epidemics,but there is an uncomfortably consistent trend in global public health to place attention on those subjects and diseases that may not pose the greatest threat to human welfare.
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这也许是最一样的,因为环境灾难传染病的情况下可以促进流行病困扰,并有可能流行病,传染病可以迅速采取向下的经济,及潜在的国家.In the wake of avian flu,Southeast Asian economies experienced an enormous economic downturn; tourists have been writing me and asking whether it's safe to go to Brazil in light of the dengue epidemic; the economic,social and political cost of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa remains to be calculated.在禽流感之后,东南亚经济体经历了巨大的经济衰退,游客一直在写我,询问是否可以安全地进入了登革热疫情轻到巴西,在撒哈拉以南艾滋病的经济,社会和政治代价非洲仍来计算的.Thus,there is a vicious cycle:pandemics can encourage chaos and breakdowns of basic systems,particularly in the poorest and poorly governed nations,and these breakdowns can in turn create better conditions for more disease to emerge.因此,有一个恶性循环:大流行可以鼓励混乱和崩溃的基本制度,特别是在最贫穷和缺乏治理国家,而这些故障可以反过来创造更多的疾病出现更好的条件.Case in point:during the chaos in Kenya at the turn of this year,60 percent of patients on antiretroviral therapy and 35 percent of patients on TB drugs were lost to follow-up.典型的例子:在肯尼亚于今年又乱,百分之六十的患者接受抗逆转录病毒疗法和35对肺结核患者的百分之药物失去了跟进.It is likely that all those patients stopped their treatment midcourse and are now potentially cultivating resistant strains of both infections.很可能,所有这些患者的治疗中途停止,现在都可能培养耐药菌株感染.Policy makers are looking at the direct health consequences of pandemics (Who is sick?How do we treat them?) rather than the indirect health consequences (What other services will fail?What will happen to the food supply?).政策制定者正在寻找健康的传染病的直接后果(谁生病了?我们如何对待他们呢?),而不是间接的健康后果(什么其他的服务会失败?会发生什么食物供应?).Had SARS hit anywhere in sub-Saharan Africa,where ventilators and surgical masks are a rare commodity,death rates would have been higher than in Asia.如果非典袭击了撒哈拉以南非洲,那里的通风设备和外科口罩是一种稀有商品,死亡率会比在亚洲更高的任何地方.Today the response systems being put in place are to protect the wealthy with vaccines and antivirals,but do not treat those most likely to suffer.今天,反应系统正在实施的保护与疫苗和抗病毒药物的富裕,但不要把那些最容易受到侵害.Thus,we are preparing for the next pandemic rather than doing everything in our power to prevent it.因此,我们正准备下一次大流行,而不是去做我们的力量,以防止它的一切.Foundations and governments can't seem to get their heads around the fact that no disease can be treated in a vacuum:all efforts must be part of an integrated response,otherwise dollars are sure to be poorly spent.基金会和政府似乎无法绕过,没有可以治疗的疾病在真空事实上,他们的头:所有努力必须是一个综合反应的一部分,否则,美元肯定是很差花.The worst-hit area on the planet for health-systems failure remains sub-Saharan Africa,where governments spend paltry amounts on health,the poor are frequently required to pay for services and there's an uncanny history of serious illnesses evolving.政府就卫生系统故障行星重灾区仍然是撒哈拉以南非洲,这些国家的政府用于卫生微不足道的金额,穷人经常需要支付服务和有一个不断发展的严重疾病离奇的历史.HIV is widely recognized today as having its roots in central Africa; resistant malaria parasites are commonplace; and bizarre outbreaks such as Ebola appear from time to time.艾滋病毒是举世公认今天在中部非洲有它的根源;抗药性疟疾寄生虫是常见的,以及诸如埃博拉疫情怪异不时出现.When sexually transmitted infections go untreated and open sores ensue,the possibility for transmission increases exponentially,and that transmission doesn't stop at borders.当性传播感染得不到治疗和开放性溃疡随之而来,对传输的可能性成倍增加,而且传输不会停止在边界.
虽然疫情得到新闻 - 例如在巴西最近登革热爆发 - 大流行往往默默工作,通过人口的路上,这样做危害很大的资源或从未赢得媒体的关注.That's not to say that rich nations shouldn't be concerned about these epidemics,but there is an uncomfortably consistent trend in global public health to place attention on those subjects and diseases that may not pose the greatest threat to human welfare.这并不是说,富裕国家不应该对这些流行病问题,但有一个全球公共健康令人不安的趋势相一致的地方就这些议题和疾病,可能无法构成最大威胁人类福利的关注.