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英语翻译Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:58:25
Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English Language today is the word Fuck,out of all of the English words that begin with the letter 'F',Fuck is the only word that is referred to as the F-Word.It's the one magical word just by its sound can describe pain,pleasure,hate and love.Fuck,as most words in the English language is derived from a German word meaning,'to strike'.
In English Fuck falls into many grammatical categories,as a transitive verb for instance,'John Fucked Shirley',as an intransitive verb,'Shirley Fucks’.Its meanings not always sexual it can be used as an adjective such as 'John's doing all the Fucking work',as part of an adverb,'Shirley talks too Fucking much',as an adverb enhancing and adjective,'Shirley is Fucking beautiful'.As a noun,'I don’t give a Fuck',as part of a word,'abso-Fucking-lutely' or 'in-Fucking-credible' and as almost every word in a
sentence 'Fuck the Fucking Fuckers'.
As you must realize there aren’t to many words with the versatility of Fuck,as in these examples describing situations such as:-
Fraud:'I got Fucked at the car dealership'
Dismay:'Oh Fuck it'
Trouble:'I guess I'm really Fucked now'
Aggression:'Don’t Fuck with me pal'
Difficulty:'I don’t understand this Fucking question'
Inquiry:'Who the Fuck was that?'
Dissatisfaction:'I don’t like what the Fuck is going on here'
Incompetence:'He's a Fuck up'
Dismissal:'Why don’t you go outside and play hide and go Fuck yourself?'
I'm sure you can think of many more examples,with all of these multipurpose applications how can anyone be offended when you use the word.I say use this unique flexible word more often in your daily speech it will identify the quality of your character immediately.
Say it
loudly and proudly - FUCK YOU!
在现代英语中” FUCK”大概是最有意思的词语.在所有以F打头的英语词语中,”Fuck”是唯一一个被标为“F词”的词语.这个词神奇的地方就是光靠它的发音就可以表现疼痛,快乐,厌恶 和爱.就像其他大部分英语单词一样,Fuck 是从德语的一个意思为“打击”的一个词变换而来.
在英语中,Fuck 被分在分多不同的语法分类中.它可以被用来做及物动词使用,比如说“John Fucked Shirley”(中文意思为约翰上了雪莉).也可以当不及物动词使用,'Shirley Fucks’(雪莉上床).它的意思并不总是在性方面的.它可以被用作形容词,比如说'John's doing all the Fucking work'(约翰正在做所有讨厌的工作).以副词的一部分来说,我们可以说'Shirley talks too Fucking much'(雪莉说太多话了).象这样,当它是副词和形容词时,可以用来加强说话语气.比如'Shirley is Fucking beautiful'(雪莉简直太漂亮了).作为名词,可以单独使用 'I don’t give a Fuck'(口语化中文:我才不鸟你.).也可以作为一个词的一部分'abso-Fucking-lutely' ‘in-Fucking-credible’.还可以在一句话中都用它'Fuck the Fucking Fuckers'(操那个超级大傻瓜).
你必须 认识到没有几个词可以向Fuck一样有广泛的意思.就像在这些例子中:
欺诈:'I got Fucked at the car dealership'(我被汽车经销商骗了一顿)
失望沮丧:'Oh Fuck it'(真是受够了)
麻烦:'I guess I'm really Fucked now'(我觉得我现在真的已经头昏脑胀了)
盛气凌人:Don’t Fuck with me pal(别来招惹我)
困难:'I don’t understand this Fucking question'(我不明白这个可恶的问题)
问题:'Who the Fuck was that?'(那该死的家伙是谁?)
不满足:'I don’t like what the Fuck is going on here'(我不喜欢正在发生的事)
无能:He's a Fuck up(他是一个没用的东西)
赶人走:Why don’t you go outside and play hide and go Fuck yourself?(你为什么还不滚去外面玩捉迷藏然后去操你自己?)
大声地自豪的 – x你妈