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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 08:25:52
Today I want to talk something about computer game players.Perhaps most of us like playing
computer games,which make our parents very worried.In their opinion,they may think computer
games is designed for layabouts,and it will make us pay less attention to study.But now I
want to say that this arguement is wrong.In my opinion,the essence of the Olympics is just a
kind of games,too.Why not treat computer games like "sports games"?You may think that playing
computer games will waste our time,but I think abondoning ourselves in any other games will
waste our time,too.And playing computer games within limits can improve our reaction speed
and develop our spirt of teamwork,which can be very useful in the fulture.
Today I want to talk something about computer game players.
There are many youth like playing computer games,just like me ,which makes our parents very worried.Because many of them think that computer games are designed for layabouts,and it will make us pay less attention to study.
But here I want to say that this argument is wrong.In my view,the nature of the Olympics also is a kind of games.Why not treat computer games like "sports games"?People think that playing computer games will waste our time,whereas I think abandoning ourselves in any other games will waste our time,too.And playing computer games within limits can improve our reaction speed and develop our spirit of teamwork,which can be very useful in the future.
So,from my perpective,it is unfair to treat computer games as a monster.If we just behave ourselves and view the computer games just as something to relax,entertainment and even try to learn something from the playing,it can turn out to be kind.
粗粗改了下你写的,加了个结尾.顺便提点建议,你的论点挺好的,较新颖,不过就是在论述的过程中的不是很充分,感觉有点诡辩,因为别的游戏也浪费时间,所以电脑游戏就OK了?= =!一般来说都是从正面论述支持论据的,可以再加上一点反面支持,而不是像你这样一开始并且以反面论述为主,这样给人造成一种底气不足胡诌的感觉.另外可能为了语言的严谨用了may,但是太多了,反而显得语言不地道.建议多看下地道的英文.over,thanks~