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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/02 16:59:37
Book6 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析
11-15 CADBC 16-20ADBAC
21-25 CBDAB 26-30 DCABD
31-35 DBACB 36-40 ADCBC
41-45 DADBC 46-50DDBDB
51-55 CDFBG
56. To tell them his recent problems.
57. His parents’ separation and possible divorce.
58. They might feel moved / regretful /sorry.
59. A teacher.
60. Divorce destroys kids. / Family lovecounts. / Parents’ separationhurts.
61. ... is mostly doing ... doing → done
62. ... best way to ... best前加the
63. ... where you go. where → wherever
64. ... had the chance ... had → have
65. ... take them out ... them → it
66. ... certainly reading skills.
certainly → certain
67. ... a poor reader move ... move → moves
68. To pick up with ... 去掉with
69. ... besides, you should ...
besides → therefore
70. Mastered such reading ...
Mastered → Mastering
One possible version:
Dear Tom,
I'mwriting to express my regret for quarreling with you yesterday. I shouldn'thave been so rude to you and I should have controlled myself.
Wehave been good friends for so long, and I don't want to lose our friendship, soI'd like to have a talk with you if you have time this Sunday. I do hope youcan forgive me and give me a chance to say sorry to you. I hope we can still begood friends as we used to be and help each other. Whatever happens in thefuture, I promise I will keep calm.
I'mlooking forward to your reply.
Li Hua

1. D。题意:我送给他一份礼物,但是,作为回报(in return),他什么也没给我。
2. D。考查非谓语动词。the father与fail之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且fail表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前,故用动词-ing形式的完成式作原因状语。
3. A。题干使用了分割式定语从句,设空处引导定语从句修饰先行词university且在从句中作地点状语,故选where。
4. D。hope表示的动作发生在过去的动作missed之前,是“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。
5. B。news后有从句限定,故其前加定冠词表特指;lose interest in是固定搭配,意为“对……失去兴趣”。
6. A。be afraid of是固定搭配,意为“害怕”; on time是固定搭配,意为“准时”。
7. B。the boy与punish之间是被动关系,且由后一分句可知,男孩本应受到惩罚而事实上并没有被惩罚,故选have been punished。
8. C。appreciate后接动词-ing形式的复合形式作宾语,故选offering。
9. C。题干使用了强调句型,被强调部分为during their stay in London,故选that。
10. D。由He hadn’t been preparing well at all可知,It’s my guess(这是我的猜测)符合题意。
11. C。由该空前面的It can be helpful to peopleall over the world可知,这正是互联网长久以来“受欢迎(popular)”的原因。
12. A。由下文中的This is a major problem ...all teenagers以及Children ...getting addicted to some of the games可知,这里是说互联网会给某些“年龄(age)”群体带来不利影响。
13. D。由该空后面的the Internet can be used todraw facts about anything可知,互联网是一个巨大的“信息(information)”库。
14. B。由该空前面的it keeps you up-to-date可知,这里是说正在世界各地“发生(taking place)”的所有事件。
15. C。互联网以新闻、“图片(pictures)”和视频的形式向人们传递信息。
16. A。报纸当然还是向人们传递信息的“重要(important)”渠道之一。
17. D。由该空前面的the Internet gets updated可知,互联网不断地用“最新的(latest)”消息更新着。
18. B。同报纸“印刷(printed)”相比,互联网上的新闻更新得更快。
19. A。由上文的the Internet gets updated ...much faster可知,你所了解的新闻“更新(fresher)”。
20. C。keep in touch with ... 意为“与……保持联系”,符合语境。
21. C。结合下文的the Internet also forms aperfect medium for business meetings可知,这里是说互联网除了方便同家人和朋友保持联系外还有其它好处,故填Apart from。
22. B。通过互联网来召开商务会议在今天已经变得非常“普遍(common)”了。
23. D。由转折词However以及本段中的相关内容可知,使用互联网也存在着一些“弊端(disadvantages)”。
24. A。由上文的the exposure to some unhealthycontents可知,这个问题让广大青少年的父母“担心(concerns)”。
25. B。“特别是(especially)”暴力游戏,这里旨在强调游戏对青少年的危害。
26. D。对于处于喜欢尝试各种事物年龄阶段的孩子们来说,他们“最终(end up)”会沉迷于其中的一些游戏。
27. C。28. A。由上文的a source of computer viruses可知,互联网可能会给你的电脑带来“危险(danger)”并且最终“破坏(damage)”你电脑的系统。
29. B。由该空后面的it is important to have anantivirus program on your computer可知,这是得出的结论,故填Therefore。
30. D。本段主要谈论了在利用互联网的过程中可能带来的一些问题,所以此处填use。
31. D。数字计算题。由文中的Swimming lessons: ... $15for one month可知,学习两个月的话需要三十美元,故选D项。
32. B。细节理解题。由文中的Boating: These classesare only for 20-year-olds and above可知,青少年无法参加划船这项活动,故选B项。
33. A。细节理解题。由A message from the director一节中的We have a number of plants andanimals, which are in danger of dying out, being protected in our park可知A项说法正确。
34. C。推理判断题。由文章标题Welcome to MarksdaleState Park以及文中有关该公园提供的活动内容可知,我们很有可能在旅游杂志中看到该文,故选C项。
35. B。推理判断题。由第二段中的Then he began tofield-test the effect of laughter on himself and others可知,Madan Kataria是一位实干家,故选B项。
36. A。细节理解题。由第三段中的after two weeks, theirjokes and stories ran out ... to continue without any jokes可知,两周后他们的笑话和故事都讲完了,不知道该谈论些什么了,故选A项。
37. D。细节理解题。由最后一段中的Our body cannotdifferentiate between pretend and genuine laughter. In fact, both produced thesame effect可知,Dr. Kataria的突破性发现就是假笑和真笑一样有助于人体健康,故选D项。
38. C。标题归纳题。由文章最后的This was the birth ofLaughter Yoga以及文中相关的介绍可知,本文主要讲述了大笑瑜伽的起源,故选C项。
39. B。写作目的题。本文主要介绍了埃博拉病毒的相关情况,作者在文章首段中通过几内亚再次出现埃博拉病毒并导致患者死亡的这一新闻事件引出了本文的话题,故选B项。
40. C。细节理解题。由第二段中的Ebola is named afterthe Ebola River, where it was first discovered in 1976可知,埃博拉病毒是以其首次发生的地方而命名的,故选C项。
41. D。段落大意题。本段主要介绍了埃博拉病毒的传播方式,故选D项。
42. A。推理判断题。由最后一段中的Since there have beenmany cases of nurses catching the disease from patients ... not even allowed toget close to the affected可知,埃博拉病毒的传染性非常强,故A项说法最有可能得到作者的认同。
43. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的the band adopted surfculture as a major theme of its music可知,沙滩男孩之所以被称作“冲浪团队”是因为其早期音乐的主题就是冲浪文化,故选D项。
44. B。推理判断题。由第二段中的So the focus of theBeach Boys’ songsswitched from surfing to automobiles和第三段中的Brian Wilson ... soon began to feel that his band and his music werebecoming old-fashioned等相关信息可知,沙滩男孩这个乐队的创作总是在设法紧跟时代的变化,故选B项。
45. C。细节理解题。由第四段中的most of therecord-buying customers were not ready for the progressive style of Pet Sounds和第五段中的Over time, people began torecognize the album’s merits可知C项说法正确。
46. D。主旨大意题。总览全文可知,本文主要讲述了沙滩男孩这个乐队的兴衰起落,故选D项。
47. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的Ads for cellphones and music players are designed so that you willbelieve you are missing out if you don't have those things可知,手机或音乐播放器的广告会让你感觉如果不买上面的商品你就会错失机会。
48. B。推理判断题。由第三段最后一句可知,如果看到广告的这一组人不喜欢已完成的广告,公司会对广告进行修改,由此推断,公司征求一部分人对广告的看法,其最终目的就是尽可能制作出消费者喜欢的广告。
49. D。推理判断题。由全文第一段和第二段可知,作者认为广告对消费者和公司都是有益的,但重要的是我们要自己做出决定(而不是跟着广告走)。由此可知作者并没有明确支持或反对广告,只是客观地描述了事实。
50. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的Then, companies design ads that tell people about that special thing可知,每则广告都会呈现出所宣传的商品的特别之处。

1. A。推理判断题。由第一段中的These gestures are lesslikely than traditional typed passwords to be observed and reproduced等信息可知,手势密码在一定程度上提高了手机的安全性,故选A项。
2. D。细节理解题。由第二段中Janne Lindqvist所说的With all the personal informationwe have on our phones today, improved mobile security is becoming increasinglynecessary可知D项说法正确。
3. C。细节理解题。由第四段中的Their analysis producedresults favorable to user-generated, free-form gestures as passwords可知,这些结果是令人满意的,故选C项。
4. A。细节理解题。由最后一段中的the Rutgersresearchers then had seven computer science and engineering students ...attempt to steal a free-form gesture password by spying on a phone user和第一段中的“shoulder surfers” who spy on other phone users可知A项说法正确。
5. B。写作目的题。总览全文可知,文章主要介绍了对于一种新的手势密码的研究情况,故选B项。