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求英语小作文.以My dream为提.写一篇100字的英语小作文.我是大学生.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 22:14:05
以My dream为提.写一篇100字的英语小作文.我是大学生.
I have a dream of traveling around the world someday.I think one should not always stay in the same place,he should go out to other countries from time to time to see what is happening there and enjoy another kind of life.The outside world is so beautiful that I make up my mind to enjoy the amazing views of different places.First,I would like to go to Southeast Asia,such as Malaysia and Singapore.Second,I'll take my steps to Europe,including France and England.The Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Big Ban in London are my favorite places to visit.I can learn about the western culture and customs there. Then I'll travel to Australia to see animals,such as kangaroos.Australia is a developed country with beautiful scenery and fresh air. Africa is my next aim.The pyramids and wild animals are waiting for me to come.
Now I am studying hard and preparing for my travel,I believe my dream will come true!
我的梦想是环游世界.我认为人们不应该总是呆在同一个地方,他应该出去到其他国家,以便可以知道正在发生的事情,享受另一种生活.外面的世界是如此美丽,我下定决心去享受的绝妙视角不同的地方.首先,我想去东南亚国家,如马来西亚和新加坡.第二,我将把我的步骤来欧洲,包括法国和英国.巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔和大禁令在伦敦是我最喜欢的地方参观.我可以了解西方文化和那里的风俗习惯.然后我将前往澳大利亚看到的动物,如袋鼠.澳大利亚是一个发达国家,有美丽的风景和新鲜的空气.非洲是我的下一个目标.金字塔和野生动物正在等待我的到来.  现在我努力学习和准备我的旅行,我相信我的梦想会成真的!