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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 10:06:11
Playing slow music during dinner does more than making you feel comfortable; it in fact encourages you listen to while eating may possibly bi the key to help you lose a few pounds or to make finicky kids to clean their plates. Experts at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions lately served their meals to 90 people. The first meal was served without music. One-third of the diners asked for second helpings and the meal took about 40 minutes to finish.
Three weeks later Experts served the same people the same food while playing rock music, such as “Stars and Stripes” and “The Beer Barrel Polka”. This time half of the diners asked for second helpings and they finished eating in only 31 minutes.
The final meal was served with slow, relaxing music, such as Mantovani and Percy Faith. “Not only did few diners ask for seconds but most of them didn’t even finish their first helpings. It also took eating it,” says study leader Maria Simonson, director of the Health, Wight and Stress Clinic at Johns Hopkins. They also reported feeling fuller and more satisfied than they did after earlier meals, even though they actually ate less. And some people even for better tasted meal.
Some suggestions for destroying the appetite: try waltzes, blues, and New Age music. To encourage patients to eat more try big-band tunes or rock-and-roll.
玩慢的音乐在晚宴上是否多于使你感到舒适,它其实鼓励你听,而饮食可能毕关键,以帮助你输几磅或再作挑剔孩子们清扫板.专家约翰霍普金斯医疗机构近来服餐,以90人.第一餐是未经音乐.其中三分之一的( Diners要求第二helpings和餐用了大约40分钟完成.
三个星期后的专家担任同一人,同一食物,同时玩摇滚音乐,例如"星条旗报" ,"啤酒每桶波尔卡" .这个时候有一半的( Diners要求第二helpings和他们吃完中,只有31分钟.
最后餐送达慢,轻松的音乐,如曼托瓦尼和( Percy信仰." ,结果不仅数( Diners要求秒,但它们中的大多数甚至没有完成其第一helpings .它也吃,说:"研究领导人玛丽亚西蒙森主任,卫生,怀特和应力诊所约翰霍普金斯.他们还报告了感觉,更充分和更满意的,比他们稍早三餐,即使他们实际上是吃少.有些人甚至为更好地尝到了餐.