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选词填空Many much (a) few (a)little91.We feel tired because we h

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 11:28:35
Many much (a) few (a)little
91.We feel tired because we have so ____ books to read and so ____ homework to do.
92.The problem is so difficult that _______ of us can work it out.
93.There’s _______ rice at home.Will you go and buy some,please?
94.--- Can you speak English?--- Yes,but only ______.
95.I will stay here for _____ days.Please come to play with me and we can enjoy
91.many (books可数) much(homework 不可数)
92.few 几乎没有人能做出来
93.little 家里几乎没有米了
94.a little 只能说一点
95.a few 我要在这里呆几天