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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 17:14:57
定语从句 (一)定语从句一般由关系代词和关系副词引导 1、关系代词:who,whom,whose,which,that,as 2、关系副词:when,where,why P.S :关系代词和关系副词必须位于从句之首,主句先行词之后,起着连接先行词和从句的作用,同时在从句中又充当句子成分. e.g.She is the girl who sings best of all.(关系代词who在从句中作主语) The comrade with whom I came knows French.(whom在从句中作介词with的宾语) 3、关系代词和关系副词的用法: 1)当先行词为人时用who作主语,whom作宾语; 2)当先行词为物或整个句子时用which,可作主语或宾语; 3)先行词为人、物时用that,可作主语或宾语; 4)whose用作定语,可指人或物; 5)关系副词when(指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语,where(指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语),why(指原因,在定语从句中作原因状语). (二)限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句 1、限制性定语从句:从句与主句关系密切,去掉从句,主句意义不完整,甚至不合逻辑. e.g.I was the only person in our office who was invited.(去掉定语从句,意思就不完整) 2、非限制性定语从句:从句对先行词关系不密切,去掉定从句,意思仍然完整.形式上用逗号隔开,不能that用引导. e.g.Tom’s father,who is over sixty,still works hard day and night.(who引导非限制性定语从句,整个句子可分成两句来翻译) (三)使用定语从句时特别注意的几个问题 1、that与which的区别. 1)用that而不用which的情况: ①先行词为不定代词all,anything,nothing,…; ②先行词有最高级修饰,有序数词修饰; ③先行词有only,very,any等词修饰; ④先行词既有人又有物时. e.g.There is nothing that can prevent him from doing it.没有什么能阻止他不干那件事. The first place that they visited in Guilin was Elephant Trunk Hill.在桂林他们所参观的第一个地方是象鼻山. This is the best film that I have ever seen.这部电影是我看过的最好的一部. Mr Smith is the only foreigner that he knows.史密斯先生是他认识的唯一的外国人. 2)用which而不用that的情况: ①引导非限制性定语从句; ②代表整个主句的意思; ③介词+关系代词. e.g.He had failed in the maths exam,which made his father very angry.他数学考试没有及格,这使他的父亲很生气. This is the room in which my father lived last year.这是父亲去年居住过的房子. 3)as引导定语从句时的用法 ①as引导限制性定语从句通常用于thesame…as,such…as结构中. e.g.I want the same shirt as myfriend’s.我要一件跟我朋友一样的衬衫. Such machines as are used in our workshop are made in China.我们车间使用的这种机器是中国制造的. ②as引导非限制性定语从句既可放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后,用来修饰整个句子.通常用下列句型: as is known to all,as is said,as is reported, as is announced,as we all know,as I expect等. e.g.As I expected,he got the first place again in this mid-term examination.正如我所预料的那样,他在这次期中考试中又获得了第一名. 3)as引导非限制性定语从句时与which的区别 ①当主句和从句语义一致时,用as;反之,用which来引导非限制性定语从句.e.g.He made along speech,as we expected. He made along speech,which was unexpected. ②当非限制定语从句为否定时,常用which引导. e.g.Tom drinks a lot everyday,which his wife doesn’t like at all. 2.关系代词在从句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词单数还是用复数应由先行词决定.e.g.The man who lives downstairs speaks English fluently.住在楼下的那个人英语说得很流利. The students who are in GradeThree are going to climb the hill tomorrow. 3.定语从句有时不直接紧靠先行词,中间由一个定语、状语或谓语隔开.e.g.There is an expression in his eyes that I can’t understand. 4.引导定语从句的关系副词有时可以用“介词+which”来代替. e.g.October 1,1949 was the day on which(=when)the People’s Republic of China was founded. 5.当定语从句中谓语动词是带介词或副词的固定短语动词时,短语动词的各个固定部分不要拆开. e.g.The sick man whom she is looking after is her father. 6.介词在关系代词前,只能用which和whom,且不能省略;介词在句尾,关系代词可有which,that,whom,口语中也可用who,且可省略. e.g.The man(whom/who/that)you were talking about has come to school. 一、什么是状语从句? 用一个句子(从句)来作另一个句子(主句)的状语,用作状语的句子就叫作状语从句.作什么样的状语就叫什么类型的状语从句.例如:条件状语从句就是用一个句子来作条件状语. 二、状语从句的分类. (1)时间状语从句用法要点 凡是从句都必须有引导词,引导时间状语从句的词有when,before,after,until,as soon as,while 等,具体用法如下: 1. when 意为“当……时”,引导时间状语从句,表示主句的动作和从句的动作同时或先后发生.例如: I feel very happy when you come to see me. 你(们)来看我时,我感到很高兴. When you are crossing the street,you must be careful. 你(们)过街道时,一定要小心. when引导的时间状语从句,when的从句可以用延续性动词,也可以用点动词.eg. He was working at the table when I went in. 当我进去的时候,他正在桌旁工作. Someone knocked at the door when I was sleeping. 当我正在睡觉时,有人敲门. I will visit my good friend when I have time. 当我有空儿时,我将去看望我的好友. I worked for a foreign company when I was in Shanghai. 当我在上海时,我为一家外国企业工作. 注:when也可以作并列连词,表示一个动词正在进行的时候,突然间发生了另外一件事.eg. I was fishing by the river,when someone called for help. 我正在河边钓鱼,就在那时有人求救. We were working in the chemistry lab,when the lights went out. 我们正在化学实验室工作,突然灯都熄灭了. 2. before 意为“在……之前”,引导时间状语从句时,表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之前.例如: We cleaned the classroom before we left school yesterday.昨天离开学校之前,我们打扫了教室. He had been a cook before he went to college . 他上大学前曾当过厨师. after 意为“在……之后”,引导时间状语从句时,表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之后.例如: After you use plastic bags,you mustn't throw them about. 你(们)用过了塑料袋之后,不准到处乱扔. He called me after he had finished his work. 他在工作完之后给我打了个电话. 注:若主句和从句两个动作发生的先后顺序十分接近,那么也可以不用完成时态,例如上面的第二句可改成:He called me after he finished his work. 3. since引导的时间状语从句,译为“自从……”,主句常用现在完成时,从句常用一般过去时.eg. We have made many dumplings since we began to cook. 自从我们开始做饭起,我们已经包了许多饺子了. We haven't seen each other since we parted . 我们自从分手以后一直没见过面. 注:常用句型:It is +时间段+since从句 译为:自从……有多长时间了.eg. It is six years since she graduated from the university. 自从她大学毕业已有六年的时间了. 4. until 意为“直到……时”,引导时间状语从句时,表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之前. 当主句的谓语动词是持续性动词时,主句常用肯定形式;当主句的谓语动词是非持续性动词时,从句常用否定形式,not…until… 意为“直到……才……”,这时的until可以用before 来替换.例如: I'll stay here until you come back. 我会呆在这里,直到你回来.(stay表示的动作可以持续) He didn't go to bed until he finished his homework.他直到做完作业才睡觉.(go to bed 表示的动作不能持续) 5. as soon as 意为“一……就……”,表示从句的动作一发生,主句的动作马上就发生.例如: I'll tell him about it as soon as he comes back.他一回来我就告诉他这件事. 6. while引导的时间状语从句,常译为“与……同时,在……期间”,while的从句中常用延续性动词或表示状态的词.eg. They rushed in while we were discussing problems. 当我们正在讨论问题时,他们冲了进来. Father was cleaning the car while I was playing computer games. 当我正在打电子游戏时,爸爸正在清洗汽车. 注:while也可以作并列连词,表转折的关系,相当于but,译为“然而”.eg. I like listening to music,while my brother likes doing sports. 我喜欢听音乐,而我的兄弟爱好运动. 7. till和until引导的时间状语从句,译为“直到……为止”,not … till / until引导的时间状语从句,译为“直到……才”.前者强调主句动作的结束,用延续性动词,后者强调主句动作的开始,用点动词.eg. I will wait for my friend until / till he comes. 我要一直等到我朋友来. We won't start our discussion until / till he comes. 我们要等到他来了,再开始我们的讨论. (2)条件状语从句用法要点 我们主要看一下由if引导的条件状语从句.if 意为“如果”,引导条件状语从句时,表示假如有从句的动作发生就(不)会有主句的动作发生.例如: If it doesn't rain tomorrow,we will go there by bike.如果明天不下雨,我们就骑自行车去那里. If I get there early,I can see the doctor quickly.如果我早早地到那里,我就可以快点看病. (3)地点状语从句用法要点 常用where(哪里)和wherever(无论哪里)eg. Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者,事竟成. We will go wherever the motherland need us most. 我们要到祖国最需要的地方去. (4)原因状语从句用法要点 常用的引导连词有because,as和since,三者的区别是:在回答问题的时候,使用because;对于显而易见的原因,常用as或since;as和since的从句常放在主句之前,而because的从句常放在主句之后.eg. Why did you go? I went because Tom told me to go. 你为何去?那是因为汤姆叫我去. He was angry not because we were late but because we made a noise. 他很生气不是因为我们来迟了,而是因为我们弄出了声音. As it was raining hard,we had to be indoors. 由于雨太大,我们只好呆在家里. Since you feel ill,you'd better not go to work. 既然你感觉不舒服,你最好不要去上班了. (5)目的状语从句用法要点 常用的引导连词有so that,that和in order that译为:以便,为了,目的是.eg. Please speak more slowly so that we can make full notes. 请讲慢一点,以便我们能作详细笔记. I shall write down your address that I may not forget. 我要把你的地址记下来,以免忘记. I sent the letter by air mail in order that it might reach him in time. 这封信我以航空信发出,以便他能及时收到. 注:目的状语从句可以用动词不定式来替换做目的状语.eg. We work harder than usual finish it in a week. 我们比平常加倍努力工作以在一周内完成工作. 三、主句与从句时态一致的问题. 在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,主句和从句之间的时态一致问题一般分下列两种情况: 1. 若主句是祈使句,或主句中有情态动词,或主句中谓语动词是一般将来时,那么从句用一般现在时表示一般将来时.例如: Be careful when you cross the road. 过马路时要小心. Put up your hand if you have any questions to ask. 如果你们有问题要问的话,请举手. The traffic must stop when the lights are red. 红灯亮时,车辆必须停下. 2. 若主从句谓语动词都是陈述过去,那么主从句都可以用一般过去时.例如: She could sing when she was four years old. 她四岁的时候就会唱歌.