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Much to his surprise,he invited only twenty friends to the d

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 04:24:49
Much to his surprise,he invited only twenty friends to the dinner, but _____ came. [2011岳阳模拟
Much to his surprise,he invited only twenty friends to the dinner, but _____ came.
A. twice as many as B. as many as twice
C. twice as many D. twice more than
【解析】选C.考查倍数表达法.句意:使他感到惊讶的是,他只邀请了二十个朋友吃晚餐,但来了两倍的人.此句为:倍数+as + adj. (+as. . . )结构.
as twice as many在这里的意思是与两倍一样多的,而解析中讲的倍数表达法应该是 A is 倍数+as+adj.+as B,这用于讲A的(大,小………)是B的多少倍.例如:A is twice as big as B,即 A是B的两倍大.所以A选项是错的,要选C