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六人行第一季第十一集Okay,he's lawyer ,who teaches sculpting on the sid

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/01 11:08:29
Okay,he's lawyer ,who teaches sculpting on the side.
能帮我讲讲 on the side
Come on ,Chandler,I love your mom,I think she's a blast.
A:Your mon was arrested?
B:Shhh,busy beaming with pride.
I think you need to come out of your shell just a little.字幕中把这句话译为“我觉得你应该再开放点.”很合语境,但不知道这个用法,能帮我分析下吗?
What is the dive?字幕中译为“为什么选在这种二流餐馆”dive有这个意思吗?字典里查不到.
You kissed my best Ross!………or something to that effect.
He told her off,and not just about the kiss,about everything.和
I just want to drop off these copies of my book for your friends.
we don't have to go down the road.怎么用?
1.on the side (以一项职业)做为兼职.
3.大概吧.busy doing sth.的用法,这里是指那个谁的老妈被警察请去喝咖啡后,还洋洋得意的样子,“自豪的光辉四处迸放”.
4.Shell是外壳的意思嘛,come out of one's shell,只能像你说的,再形象不过.
【俚语】 低级酒馆,低级夜总会
7.tell off 向...透露 drop off 离开,散去(这里是摆脱的意思吧)
8.go down the road,沿着路往下走,这里是引申的意思吧“我们没必要再继续(谈论/相处)下去了.